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At the beginning the Englishmen were so strong that they reculed back their enemies: then the earl Douglas, who was of great heart and high of enterprise, seeing his men recule back, then to recover the place and to shew knightly valour he took his axe in both his hands, and entered so into the press that he made himself way in such wise, that none durst approach near him, and he was so well armed that he bare well off such strokes as he received.

In the shelter of a doorway stood a group of territorials, getting their first real news of the battle from a Paris newspaper. I heard "Nous avons reculé huit kilomètres le général Pétain " A motor-lorry drowned out the rest. That night we were given orders to be ready to evacuate the château in case the Boches advanced.

Remember what we've said already? 'Je recule pour mieux sauter? Wait till we get a fresh start on these hell-hounds; we'll jump 'em far enough!" The bungalow now lay behind. The whole clearing seemed alive with the little blue demons, like vermin crawling everywhere. Thicker and thicker now the smoke was pouring upward. The scene was one of utter desolation. Then suddenly it faded.

When the Scots saw the Englishmen recule and that they should have no battle, they went to their lodgings and made merry, and then ordained to depart from thence.

This battle was fierce and cruel till it came to the end of the discomfiture; but when the Scots saw the Englishmen recule and yield themselves, then the Scots were courteous and set them to their ransom, and every man said to his prisoner: 'Sirs, go and unarm you and take your ease; I am your master: and so made their prisoners as good cheer as though they had been brethren, without doing to them any damage.

"Gredin! cent mille tonnerres de Dieu!" "Calme-toi, mon fidele ami. What will you? It was fate. Montholon. "Le lache! Un Francais meurt, mais il ne recule jamais." Napoleon. "Stupide! Don't you see why the retreat was ordered? don't you know that it was a feint on the part of Gahagan to draw Holkar from his impregnable entrenchments?

"Gredin! cent mille tonnerres de Dieu!" "Calme-toi, mon fidele ami. What will you? It was fate. Montholon. "Le lache! Un Francais meurt, mais il ne recule jamais." Napoleon. "STUPIDE! Don't you see WHY the retreat was ordered? don't you know that it was a feint on the part of Gahagan to draw Holkar from his impregnable intrenchments?

They reeled under the shock, then reformed and stood fast. Around and around those immovable lines the soldiers of the Empire beat and beat in vain. It was the war of races at its climax. It was the final death-grip of the Gaul and the Teuton. The Old Guard recoiled. The wild cry of "La Garde recule" was heard above the roar of battle.

A short absence animates a tender passion, 'et l'on ne recule que pour mieux sauter', especially in the summer months; so that I would advise you to begin your journey in May, and continue your absence from the dear object of your vows till after the dog-days, when love is said to be unwholesome.

In 1477, he issued the first book known to have been printed in England, "The Dictes and Sayings of the Philosophers." Thus endeth the second book of the Recule of the Histories of Troy.