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Updated: August 29, 2024

No; I will wait till I receive news from home, and get to my own position again; besides, with a shrug, 'after all, it is experience. 'Experience, said Madame, quietly, 'is a good schoolmaster, but the fees are somewhat high. 'Ah! said Vandeloup, with a pleased look, 'you know Heine, I perceive, Madame. I did not know he was read out here.

I have dallied with no dogmas, and have not utterly renounced my reason.” This sounds like a serious statement. But what shall we say to a convert who plays with his newly-acquired belief in a future life, as Heine does in the very next page? He says to his reader: “Console thyself; we shall meet again in a better world, where I also mean to write thee better books.

Do you think it is impossible to love one's tragedy? 'Out of my great sorrows I make my little songs, that is Heine or myself." "Oh, well, that's all right," I said cheerfully. "'But it is not all right!" I suggested we should turn back. We turned. "Sometimes I think the solution lies in marriage," said Fraulein Sonia.

But I do not think that either Heine or I had much lasting harm from it, and I am sure that the good, in my case at least, was one that can only end with me. He undid my hands, which had taken so much pains to tie behind my back, and he forever persuaded me that though it may be ingenious and surprising to dance in chains, it is neither pretty nor useful.

Obeying her summons, I ascended the staircase, and the first object that greeted my vision in the hall was the volume of Heine that had been so unceremoniously taken from me! Assuredly this was the doings of a poltergeist! A poltergeist that up to the present had confined its attentions to me, no one else in the house having either heard or seen it.

Ma said, "I'd 'a' died if I hadn't found something to do." It was mid-August, with no sign of the drought breaking. In the shack down the draw we sat during spare hours sorting type at Margaret's kitchen table, picking, separating six-point, eight-point, ten-point letters and spaces, leads, slugs. Ma Wagor and other neighbors helped at odd times; Heine separated the type into piles of like sizes.

Even the scent of the wood fires as one emerges from the railway station exhilarates the spirit. The poet Heine used to declare that the traveller could estimate his proximity to Paris by noting the increasing intelligence of the people, and that the very bayonets of the soldiers were more intelligent than those elsewhere.

At the same time he did not fail to tell me that he disliked some pseudo-cynical verses of mine which he had read in another place; and I believe it was then that he bade me "sweat the Heine out of" me, "as men sweat the mercury out of their bones."

In this France of intellect, which is also a France of pessimism, Schopenhauer has perhaps become more at home, and more indigenous than he has ever been in Germany; not to speak of Heinrich Heine, who has long ago been re-incarnated in the more refined and fastidious lyrists of Paris; or of Hegel, who at present, in the form of Taine the FIRST of living historians exercises an almost tyrannical influence.

I cannot here pretend to deal with the treatment of nature in Rousseau, or with the outcome of his influence first in Bernardin de Saint-Pierre and Chateaubriand, and then in the elegiac beauty of Lamartine and de Musset's Nuits; nor can I deal with the poetry of nature in Goethe, and its lesser but often beautiful expression in the German 'Romanticists', and in Heine.

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