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Updated: August 18, 2024

That young feller's goin' to git off reasonable, very reasonable, indeed, considerin'." Melissa rubbed her feet in the loose straw, restless and uncomforted. "When's the trial, Lysander?" she asked, after a little pause, during which her companion resumed his encounter with the rusty wire he was straightening. "The trial, M'lissy, is set for tuhmorruh," Lysander replied, a trifle oracularly.

"You see Ah was right smart glad about the baby, 'n 'bout M'lissy bein' so well, 'n Ah jus' took a little; 'n Pink Pressley was awful aggravatin', 'n Ah jus' 'lowed Ah didn' want nothin' t' interrup' mah joy," he ended, looking up with a humorous twinkle that brought a responsive smile to the severe young face before him.

Pink roused him roughly from his reverie. "Come, boy, we gotter fix up this yer openin' somehow." Bud answered irrelevantly: "Ah wisht Ah was certain about M'lissy." Pressley let fly the bush that he was bending across the mouth of the cave. "What about her?" he asked, sharply. "Oh, everythin'!" Explanation was difficult to his slowness of thought.

"Poindexter's a smart man, and I b'lieve he's a square man. 'T enny rate, it can't do any good to keep it a secret. Folks'll find it out sooner or later. You stay here a minute, M'lissy, and I'll go on up the cañon." The young girl seated herself, with her back against a ledge of rocks, and her bare feet straight out before her. She was used to waiting for Lysander.

Lysander laughed, and flipped a pebble toward a gray squirrel, who gave a little rasping, insulted bark, and whisked into his hole in high dudgeon. "Well, because he ain't a-lackin' for information, an' I hain't got none to spare, M'lissy." The young girl rocked herself gently in the clover. "I don't understand it," she said hopelessly.

The voices were those of a man and a woman in no good humor with each other. In fact, a lively quarrel seemed to be in progress. "Ah certainly wish you-all wouldn' come here no mo'." It was Melissa. "Ah don' wan' to see ye; 'n you are so aggravatin' to Bud." "Ye used to like to have me come, ye know ye did, M'lissy.

"Who'd you hire? Perez don't, seemin'ly, take to M'lissy, and there ain't nobody else in Orham that you could git, 'less 'twas old A'nt Zuby Higgins, and that would be actin' like the feller that jumped overboard when his boat sprung a leak. No, sir! If A'nt Zuby ships aboard here I heave up MY commission." "Who said anything about A'nt Zuby or housekeepers either?" inquired Captain Perez.

"But Ah know hit ain' right to M'lissy," he went on hurriedly, for he realized that the smile was only transitory, "'n Ah'm goin' to try, Ah sho' am," he added, stepping out of the way of the horse, grown uneasy at this long colloquy. "Ah certainly am goin' to get out the tools 'n look 'em over to-morrow," he finished, as Sydney gathered up her reins.

"Ah don' see how ye c'n stan' him, nohow, Bud," she often said, and Bud as often replied, "Ah never did see anythin' like the prejudice o' women! They certainly ain' no doubt about yo' sex, M'lissy." Pink bore his part in the present conversation with no trace of embarrassment. Indeed, there was an assertiveness in his bearing that reacted upon Melissa to produce extreme shyness.

I ain't never thought of such a thing since well, you know all about it, Mis' Bemis, so I may as well say right out since Ephrum took up with M'lissy Whitin'." "Ephrum Spencer was a mean scamp to serve you so," said Mrs. Bemis hotly. "Now, Mis' Bemus, don't you say anything against Ephrum. You and me has always been friends, but I can't stand that, anyhow.

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