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Updated: August 18, 2024

The young man entered into the situation with easy social grace, and lowered his own voice. "You didn't want to alarm your mother" "M'lissy," interrupted Lysander, "I guess I'll go on up to the sand-box with Mr. Poindexter and turn on some water. I wish you'd go 'long down to the orchard and look after the basins till I git back. I won't be gone but a minute."

She says his name's Hazeltine, or somethin' like that, and that he's goin' to get here to-morrer or next day." "Well," said Captain Eri, "it's a mercy M'lissy found it out. If that man should git here and she not know it aforehand 'twould kill her sure as fate, and think what a blow that would be to you, Perez." He took his old-fashioned watch from his pocket and glanced at the dial.

"Yes, he is. He jus' ast her in through the window." "Sh, sh, sh. Will you hush yo' fuss!" "Ah'm well, thank ye, Mr. Baron. How are you?" "Look at Drusilla Pinner cross her feet, an' her a church-member, too!" "Ah been lookin'. She's awful careless about her dancin'." "This child'll have to go to bed in the other room. He's yellin' jus' tur'ble." "Ah 'low M'lissy 'll make some money out o' this.

I guess likely it was one of the operators that told it fust that you was the man, but anyhow it got as fur as M'lissy Busteed, and after that 'twas plain sailin'. You come from New York, don't you?" "Yes." "Well, you know how 'tis when a thing gits into the papers. Orham ain't big enough to have a paper of its own, so the Almighty give us M'lissy, I jedge, as a sort of substitute.

"No," faltered the girl, looking down at her wretched finery; "my shoes 'a' been a-hurtin' my feet. I'm goin' back to the house to take 'em off. I'm tired." "I wish y'd set right down here and take off y'r shoes, M'lissy," said her brother-in-law anxiously. "We'll have to kind o' watch yer paw. I had to tell 'im about the spring, an' he struck off right away an' said he was goin' up there.

M'lissy Lance told me 'No' when she was a girl, an' M'lissy Yarebrough's never spoke a decent word to me since she's been married, 'n 'f unhappiness comes on her, Ah'll be glad of hit; 'n 'f hit comes through mah doin', hit's only what Ah'm aimin' at." "'Aimin' at? What mean you by that?" "Ah mean Ah'll be gladder still 'f she's hurt through me."

I presume the ownership won't affect the taste. It isn't necessary to say anything about it; that is, unless you think best." He looked toward Melissa doubtfully. "M'lissy won't blab," returned her brother-in-law laconically.

"If what?" "You seem powerful eager to know what'll worry M'lissy." "If ye don' know what worries people ye cain' know how to help 'em." Pink was suavity itself. "If what?" "Ah was goin' to say, specially 'f she knowed it was you-all Ah owed hit to." "Lemme tell ye somethin' right now, Bud: M'lissy wouldn' fin' everybody clever 'nough to len' money to a no-'count feller like you.

Doctor, Ah don' know's Ah ever knew a baby 's was 's lively 's Sydney M'lissy." "Common failing o' first babies," grunted the Doctor. "Now mos' babies," pursued Bud, spreading out his scarf and the pieces of burlap to dry before the blaze, "mos' babies ain' overly interestin', but Ah 'low Ah never saw a baby suck her thumb no prettier'n Sydney M'lissy!" "Did you-all say something about a letter?"

"A WOMAN!" exclaimed Captain Eri. Then he shook his head solemnly and added, "There, Jerry! What did I tell you? M'lissy!" But Captain Perez did not smile. "I ain't foolin'," he said; "I mean it." Captain Jerry thought of the spick-and-span days of his wife, dead these twenty years, and sighed again. "I s'pose we might have a housekeeper," he said. "Housekeeper!" sneered Captain Eri.

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