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Updated: August 17, 2024

What you been at, you triflin' hound?" Shanghai smiled a sorrowful smile and shook his head. "Well, you see, kunnel" Shanghai always gave his employer a high military rank when in fear of rebuke "you see, kunnel, it took 'em longer'n usual to break me this mawnin'. I start' off right good, but I sutny bowed a tendon an' pulled up lame. Once I toss six passes at them gamblehs " "Never mind that!

You Farewell jiggers hang together too hard for me to take any chances. 'Lo, Kansas." "Howdy, Racey," nodded Kansas Casey, the deputy sheriff. "How long you been rustlin' hosses?" "A damsight longer'n I like," Racey replied, frankly. "Who does own this hoss?" "Y' oughta asked that question yesterday," said Kansas, severely, but with a twinkle in his black eyes that belied his tone.

She'd 'a' had him in a minnit, an' she done her best to git him, but he stayed faithful, an' he sez, sez he, ''Meelia El'n, ef you're meanin' to keep your word, I'll wait ef it's a lifetime, but I hope you won't make it any longer'n you need; an' the night he said that I promused him agin I'd be hisn soon ez ever I was free to do's I pleased. I'd like to see them big trees, but I can't do it.

"No, I guess not," said Hi, "but it's a little longer'n I thought to the deepot." "Don't you know the way?" she asked when upon reaching a fork in the road Hi stopped and stared about him as if puzzled as to which to choose. "Oh, yes, I know the way to the deepot," said Hi, "only I was a thinkin' which was the nearest way.

Been curin' us folks around here longer'n any one can remember just does it by faith, too." Madison shook his head slowly. "I might just as well be frank with you, Mr. Higgins," he said. "I've never taken much stock in faith cure and that sort of thing." "Mabbe," suggested Mr. Higgins deeply, "you ain't had much experience." "No," confessed Madison reflectively; "I haven't I haven't had any."

"Longer'n that, Trot," said Cap'n Bill, but his voice was a little troubled and unsteady. "But if we stay here we're bound to starve in time," continued the girl, "while if we go into the dark hole " "Some things are more hard to face than starvation," said the sailor-man, gravely. "We don't know what's inside that dark hole: Trot, nor where it might lead us to."

We'd just got there, and it looked as if the biting was good, and we probably wouldn't stay there longer'n over Sunday." "Well, I ain't done yet," continued the Orderly-Sergeant. "That little snipe, Pete Skidmore " "Good gracious, he wasn't lost again, was he?" gasped Si. "That's just what he was, the little runt, and we had the devil's own time finding him.

Well, I must hurry, Susan. I won't be gone a mite longer'n I can help." As Susan removed her crimping pins, her agitation grew. The favor Persis had asked so lightly, and she had granted so readily, took on a new aspect as she considered it. Susan shared the respect of Clematis for Joel Dale's intellectuality and stood rather in awe of his foibles.

It had long white tusks, longer'n your hand, that curled up from its mouth, little eyes that flashed fire, and great long bristles on his back, that stood straight up. I shot at it and missed it, and then it run straight at me. I made for the fence as hard as I could, but it outrun me and was gaining on me every jump.

She just could not tell him that perhaps his sacrifice wouldn't bring Jem back that God didn't work that way. She told him that he mustn't expect it right away that perhaps it would be quite a long time yet before Jem came back. "But Bruce said, 'It oughtn't to take longer'n a week, mother. Oh, mother, Stripey was such a nice little cat. He purred so pretty.

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