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"Very few, in fact, compared to the number of black flies, sand fleas, and jiggers. However, you'll find more discomfort from the poison ivy, I imagine." "Lucien," began Silvia in lament. "Never mind!" I hastened to console, "you are out of the woods now, and you won't have to go in again. I presume they have an antidote up at the house.

"A bunk hard as nails!" "Good grub?" "Rotten!" groaned the factor. "Every trapper's son of them took out big supplies this fall and we're stripped. Beans, flour, sugar'n'prunes and caribou until I feel like turning inside out every time I smell it. I'd give a month's commission for a pound of pork. Look here! If this letter ain't 'quality' you can cut me into jiggers. Bet the Mrs.

And where would you 'a' been if I hadn't come siftin' along, I'd like to know? Might know you'd need a witness. Them two jiggers put together could easy make you lots of trouble. What was you thinking of, anyhow, Racey?" "How could I tell they were both gonna be together? Besides, three of the 88 boys were over in the bunkhouse. I was counting on them." "Over in the bunkhouse, huh?

Spink and Jiggers had received within the preceding ten days the assurance from the sachem himself, so that all uneasiness was gone from the heart of Mul-tal-la. But, had not the counsel of the two messengers been followed, nothing would have restrained Taggarak from taking the life of the one that had failed to bring back his comrade.

My first experience with wood-ticks, jiggers, and Jersey mosquitoes was during the summer we spent at Bayville, near Toms River, N. J. In many ways Bayville, with its sand, its pines, its beautiful wood roads, and rare wild flowers, is an interesting and attractive place.

Farnham is at the shaft-house no, he and another fellow have just started down the dump, walking this way. Now they have gone into the cedars, and are coming straight through. What's up, do you suppose negotiations?" "I 'm damned if I know," returned the old miner, staring blankly. "This whole thing kinder jiggers me. Maybe he thinks he kin skeer us out by a good brand o' talk.

The principal tiptoed noiselessly around the end of the fence. John sparred for an opening and his opponent spied the approaching figure. "Jiggers! Old man Downer!" he yelled. "Beat it quick!" John turned, only to meet the principal's firm grasp on his shoulder. "Come up to the office," said the quiet voice. "I want to have a talk with you."

One of the jiggers says one thing, and one of them says another thing. I think the first one's right, then I think the other one's right, and then I think nothing at all. I say, give us something good for trade, and let us have a fair chance of making money. That's my motto. "And, I say, let's have a law to turn those d d Germans out of the country.

Shoes and stockings, also, she never wore, although jiggers and snakes and poisonous plants were common in the bush pathways. Mr. James Lindsay, who was the engineer of the Mission at this time, says, "I walked many miles with her through the bush, and only once did I know her to be troubled with her feet.

The "Tigers" yelled gleefully. John forgot himself so far as to dance incautiously into the path of light. Then from the shadows of the porch swing that same swing which was to transport itself mysteriously far down the street in the evening emerged the tall, angular figure which had driven them away that other Saturday. "Jiggers!" came the shout of warning. "John Fletcher!"