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Putties were discarded, as likely to give harbourage to "jiggers," which bore into the toes, in favour of soft leather high boots, tightly fastened at the knee; and the outfit included needles for the making of moccasins, or veld schoen, from the hides of the larger antelope. "Why do you select all blue shirts, Mr. Hume?" asked Venning. "On account of the mosquitoes."

"We can fancy that it may mean in some language, 'He that looks Sweeter than Honey, and he will be delighted when we manage to make it clear with the help of Mul-tal-la. I have the other fellow named." "What is it?" "Jiggers, or, The Warrior that showed Chief Taggarak all He Knows. That ought to make him proud and happy."

Unless these are removed an abscess forms. The natives sit about calmly removing jiggers from each other's feet with needles, and show considerable skill in this small operation. It is necessary therefore never to move about with bare feet, for the boys carry them into every place. Much ivory comes into the Post at intervals, the points sometimes weighing 70 or 80 lbs. each.

Jiggers got into our feet when sleeping on the ground, and these caused great pain and annoyance. Someone has described a jigger as "a cross between Satan and a woodtick." The little insects lay their eggs between the skin and flesh. When the young hatch out, they begin feeding on the blood, and quickly grow half an inch long and cause an intense itching.

As the rowboat turned this point the boys were surprised to see a small motor craft shoot out from the boathouse. "Look at that!" exclaimed Bert. "I didn't know there was one of those gasolene jiggers on the lake." "Me either," added Tom. "Must be a new one. Wonder who's in it?" "Must be somebody from the Stockton house," said Vincent; "though I didn't know anybody was living there now."

Jack jammed down the emergency brakes, which were pneumatic and operated from the pressure tank, with a suddenness that sent Dick Donovan almost catapulting out of the tonneau. "Jumping jiggers of Joppa!" he shouted, for he had not yet seen the obstacle in the road, "what's happened? Are we bust up?" "No, but if I hadn't stopped when I did we'd have bust someone else up," declared Jack.

"Burke and Jimpsey, explore the cupboard opening from my bedroom, and bring out whatever you find there that looks good to eat." Before the words were out of his mouth Burke and Jimpsey had disappeared. "Tub and Jiggers, look under my bed, and haul out a long box you'll find there." The two fell over each other to do his bidding.

There flourishes in Southern latitudes a minute creature called Dermatophilus penetrans, or the jigger, which can inflict great pain on barefooted people by housing itself under their toe-nails. This Colony had a plague of jiggers, and every expedient for defeating them had failed.

Almost as delicate are the boys called "jiggers," from the "jigger" wheel which they turn. But by far the most injurious is the work of those who dip the finished article into a fluid containing great quantities of lead, and often of arsenic, or have to take the freshly-dipped article up with the hand.

"Oh, she ain't handsome, of course; but I will own up she don't look like the same woman, what with the ribbons an' lace jiggers Miss Pollyanna makes her wear 'round her neck." "I told ye so," nodded the man. "I told ye she wa'n't old." Nancy laughed. "Well, I'll own up she HAIN'T got quite so good an imitation of it as she did have, 'fore Miss Pollyanna come. Say, Mr. Tom, who WAS her A lover?