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Updated: August 17, 2024

Now I calkilate you can't take Target back East with you, an' you might as well let me have him." "Sure, Herky." I jumped off at once, led the horse over, and held out the bridle. Herky dismounted, and began fumbling with the stirrup straps. "Your legs are longer'n mine," he explained. "Oh yes, Herky, I almost forgot to return your hat," I said, removing the wide sombrero.

'Tain't so big as old Lion's Head, and Jeff wants to cater to a different style of custom, anyway. The buildin's longer'n what she is deep, and she spreads in front so's to give as many rooms a view of the mountain as she can. Know what 'runnaysonce' is?

That's what I see. If she'd a-busted out cryin' 't wouldn't 'a' ben so bad. I could 'a' said, 'Oh, you're young yet, you don't know how many wuss things is goin' to happen to you, and I've known fellers could stay under longer'n he kin; but I couldn't say a thing to comfort her when she kep' a-wip-in' away one tear at a time from her cheek, secret like.

O'mie was still with us then. When his turn came to greet us he held Marjie's hand a moment while he slyly showed her a poor little bunch of faded brown blossoms which he crumpled to dust in his fingers. "I told you I wouldn't keep them no longer'n till I caught the odor of them orange blooms. They are the little pink wreath two other fellows threw away out in the West Draw long ago.

Her husband's been dead more'n two year, an' she's too darned purty to stay in strict mournin' longer'n she has to " But just then something strong, firm, and resistless grasped his neck from behind, and, even as he opened his mouth to gasp out his surprise and alarm, a vise-like grip shut down on his thigh, and then, he was jerked backward, lifted upward, tossed outward, falling downward.

"What is he waitin' for for her to grow up?" "Land sakes, no! She's about as old as he is. She's old Seth Pike's daughter, and since Seth died she has run the Pike farm with hired help, and has done real well at it. Long engagements ain't thought strange of 'round here. Why, there's " "Fifteen years!" he repeated. "That's longer'n old Methus'lum courted."

I overheard him say to his mate. "Women can't play no games. An' we was havin' such a bully chance! Now, like's not, we won't stay here longer'n it'll take to get things back to the boat again. I don't want to go back home I'd rather be a pirate; an' so'd any fellow." "Sure he would," assented Jean. They did not see me, behind the tent. "Somethin's wrong," began L'Olonnois, portentously.

Can hold his breath longer'n any hoss I ever knew! The sum named was that we had paid him for the highly accomplished animal. Dean had the manhood to pay up then and there and said he would send for the other horse, which he never did. 'Guess he won't bother us any more when we stop t' look at the scenery, said Uncle Eb, laughing as Dean drove away.

"D'you reckon this yer chap was a Injun, then?" "Certainly," Kiddie answered, "an Injun, young an' tall." "H'm!" murmured Rube, not satisfied. "You just guessin' all that, Kiddie, or have you figured it out?" "I've figured it out," returned Kiddie. "Look at his thigh bone the only bone that's left intact. It's longer'n mine, an' I ain't a pigmy. Must have been taller'n I am.

There was Carrots red-hotter than her hair; and Blister, who was special friends with Carrots, shooting mad at having anybody sassing her; and Santa Fé's forehead getting whiter and whiter; and all hands on their hind legs at having Palomitas called a slum of the wilderness and likely worse things said about the place in words nobody'd ever heard tell of longer'n your arm.

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