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And the bad boy who sat behind you Tommy Marsh." "Oh! oh! And that day I sat on the floor!" She laughed gayly. She did not mind it a bit now. "Wasn't it funny? And the way you just sat still with the school in an uproar. You standing up there and 'sassing' back the old dame! Such a mite of a thing, too. My! but you were a plucky one!" in admiration. "And you never came to school after that.

"He'd never be such a fool as to give up being looker a day before she makes him master," said Cobb of Slinches. "And when he's master," said Mrs. Cobb, "he'll get his own back for her sassing him before Harmer and his men." A few weeks later Socknersh brought the first of the cross-bred lambs to market at Rye, and Joanna's wonderful sheep-breeding scheme was finally sealed a failure.

Further than this, one feels that if he had followed up his rebuke by boxing the young man's ears for "sassing back," he would still not have been outside the lines of duty. But an hour afterwards we find Washington sending for the youth and endeavoring to mend the break.

I never have any fun sassing parsons since I got married." "Without shedding of blood there is no anything," said Mr. Meredith, in the gentle dreamy way which had an unexpected trick of convincing his hearers. "Everything, it seems to me, has to be purchased by self-sacrifice. Our race has marked every step of its painful ascent with blood. And now torrents of it must flow again. No, Mrs.

Never before had he seen a human being who gave him a sense of doubt as to the superiority of his own will. "Don't be in too big a hurry for Waterloo," jested Arkwright. "It's coming toward you fast enough. That old lady will put you in your place. After ten minutes of her, you'll feel like a schoolboy who has 'got his' for sassing the teacher." "I want to meet her," repeated Craig.

"I hope you don't mean me by the stranger," he said, taking up lightness as a weapon, "I think I know you well enough to be sassed not that I call that sassing." "Well, it's good of you not to mind," said Joanna, "personally I've great ideas of manners, and Ellen's brought back some queer ones from her school, though others she's learned are beautiful.

"Served the naygur right for sassing a sergeant," was Sergeant McGillicuddy's view. On the other side was arrayed, of course, Mrs. Fortescue, who outwardly observed an armed neutrality, but who called the Colonel "John" during the entire three days of Kettle's imprisonment. Colonel Fortescue retaliated by calling Mrs. Fortescue "Elizabeth."

"Is he going to have another turkey and plum pudding to-night? How greedy!" "Be quiet, you sassy little cat" and Joanna's hand swooped, missing Ellen's head only by the sudden duck she gave it. "Leave me alone, Joanna you might keep your temper just for Christmas Day." "I won't have you sass strangers." "I wasn't sassing." "You was." "I wasn't." Martin felt scared.

'Nigger root doctors' are crowding white physicians out of business; 'nigger' lawyers are sassing white men in our courts; 'nigger' children are hustling white angels off our sidewalks. Gideon, in the name of God, what next? what next?" and the Colonel bounded into the air like an Indian in a war dance.

Girlie was playing the piano, Babe's voice, "sassing Poppa," was audible from one end to the other of the empty street. Her laughter slapped the air. Dickie hesitated. He was afraid of them all of Sylvester's pensive, small, brown eyes and hard, long hands, of Babe's bodily vigor, of Girlie's mild contemptuous look, of his mother's gloomy, furtive tenderness.