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The ratified copies, however, did not reach Shanghai until after the departure of our minister to Peking, and these conventions could not, therefore, be exchanged at the same time with the principal treaty.

Circular silver coin. Very much defaced. Part of inscription, "E Pluribus Unum." Probably a Russian rouble, but quite as likely to be a Japanese yen or a Shanghai rooster. That's as far as that collection got.

An answering roar of rage and pain followed the shot. The beast tried to whirl again, but fell instead. The rooster fled, squawking, into the bush. The huge bear struggled on the ground for some moments before anybody dared approach. It was Wash who first dashed in and planted a foot upon the dead beast's neck. "See wot dat Shanghai done?" he cried.

Early in February 1863, therefore, Captain Holland, at the head of 2,300 men, including a strong force of artillery 600 men and twenty-two guns and mortars was directed to attack Taitsan, an important place about fifty miles north-east of Shanghai. An Imperialist army of nearly 10,000 men acted in conjunction with it. The affair was badly managed and proved most disastrous.

As she slipped out of the room he turned to Percival. "It's a severed artery, sir; no special harm done except the loss of blood. A few days' rest " "But I am sailing in the morning," murmured Percival. "Must patch me up by that time." "We shall see. You don't seem to realize that you stood an excellent chance of remaining permanently in Shanghai." "You mean?"

A typical expression is that found in the latest issue of the Shanghai National Review, now before me, which may be expected to speak impartially.

It is three days' easy journey from Japan to China. It is doubtful whether anywhere in the world another journey of the same length brings with it such a complete change of political temper and belief. Certainly it is greater than the alteration perceived in journeying directly from San Francisco to Shanghai. The difference is not one in customs and modes of life; that goes without saying.

After many experiences with the pro-slavery folk from the border, Bill, or "Shanghai Bill," as he was then known a nickname which clung for years went stage driving for the Overland, and incidentally did some effective Indian fighting for his employers, finally, in the year 1861, settling down as station agent for the Overland at Rock Creek station, about fifty miles west of Topeka.

Peking is not a commercial city, not a business center; it is not filled with drummers or traveling-men or small fry of that kind, such as you find in Shanghai and lesser places. It is the diplomatic and political center of the Orient, and here are the people who are at the top of things, no matter how shady the things.

Inside Soochow, and at Nankin, it was possible to see with clearer eyes than at Shanghai that the Taeping cause was one that could not be resuscitated. But although Burgevine soon and very clearly saw the hopelessness of the Taeping movement, he had by no means made up his mind to go over to the imperialists.