Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !
Updated: January 26, 2025
The direct fusion of the interests of employers and employed, and in some measure of capital and labour, which is the object of the co-operative movement, is a steadily growing force, whose successes may serve perhaps better than any other landmark as a measure of the improving morale of the several grades of workers who show themselves able to adopt its methods.
This has happened over and over again in factories where this new spirit of putting work first and money second, caught from the employers, has come in.
He urged, they say, reciprocity with Canada; called for revision of the tariff in the light of facts and scientific tests; proclaimed unlimited arbitration; advocated the conservation of our natural resources, income taxation, extension of civil service reform, employers' liability, and economy in the administration of governmental affairs.
But that is no real excuse for insulting me." "Are you going to heed me when I tell you to print nothing about my father's disappearance?" insisted young Dodge. "That is something over which you really have no control," Dick replied slowly, though not offensively. "I take all my orders from my employers." "You young mucker!" cried Bert, in exasperation.
Not a master or mate sails under the English flag but whose record, even to forecastle fights, is tabulated at Lloyds for the inspection of prospective employers. Not a ship is cast away on any inhabitable coast of the world, during underwriters' business hours, but what that mighty sing-song cry announces the event at Lloyds within thirty minutes.
The agents are a class who have devoted their time and risked their lives in order to get in the rents due to their employers, and there is not the smallest chance save in a few isolated and exceptional cases of their being kept on when the landlords will have only their own demesne in their own hands and employ some underling, such as a bailiff in England, to collect the stray rents of the few cottagers who may still chance to be tenants.
When not in uniform he was an office boy, and from peddlers and beggars guarded the gates of Carroll and Hastings, stock-brokers. He spoke the names of his employers with awe. It was a firm distinguished, conservative, and long established. The white-haired young man seemed to nod in assent. "Do you know them?" demanded Jimmie suspiciously. "Are you a customer of ours?"
If I had at any time possessed that degree of confidence from my immediate employers which they never withheld from the meanest of my predecessors, I should have disdained to use these attentions. How I have drawn on me a different treatment I know not; it is sufficient that I have not merited it.
It was a great mistake, on the part of employers, to suppose that the lowest-priced labour was always the cheapest. If there was not so much desire to run down the price of labour, and the masters showed a more conciliatory spirit, there would be fewer strikes and outrages. "What a contrast between now and say only a hundred years ago!" Certainly there is a very great contrast.
Did the thieves slip into the building while he was in the Leather Bottle, and subsequently bind, gag and drug him, and force open the window from the outside, in order to screen him from the suspicions of his employers? We learn that Raper has been suspended from his position, pending an investigation. Mr.
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