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It struck me afterwards that this was not very complimentary to him, and I added hastily that I wondered if she expected some young lady to be passing along the trail at midnight! But this reminded me of Johnson's style of argument, and I stopped. "Yes," he said meekly, "and ef she didn't keer enough for herself and her brothers and sisters, she orter remember them Beazeley chillern."

Half of eight thousand dollars wouldn't be so very much to help take keer of a person, no matter how keerful they wuz; but eight thousand dollars, put out at interest, would provide a livin' in a way fur one who lived simply, and more especially in the case of one who owned their own home and had it free from debt, ez I understand is the situation with reguards to you.

Crump tried to laugh, but his guilty face turned gray. "Take keer, boy," he gasped; "yer gun's cocked. Take keer, I tell ye!" "Drap it, damn ye!" Isom called in sudden fury, "'n' git clean away from it!" Crump backed, and Isom came forward and stood with one foot on the fallen Winchester. "I seed ye, Eli. Been makin' a blind fer Steve, hev ye? Goin' to shoot him in the back, too, air ye?

"Polly, I dremp " "I do' keer what you dremp, I want my money fu' my dress." His face was miserable. "I thought sho' dem numbers 'u'd come out, an' " The woman flung herself upon the floor and burst into a storm of tears. Sam bent over her. "Nemmine, Polly," he said. "Nemmine. I thought I'd su'prise you. Dey beat me dis time." His teeth clenched. "But when I ketch dem policy sha'ks "

"Hi! you take keer dar, Cousin Nimbus," said Berry, hopping out of the way of the falling board with an antic gesture. "Fust you know, yer hurt yer han' actin' dat er way. What YOU gwine ter do 'bout dis yer matter, Uncle 'Liab?" he continued, turning to the preacher. The man addressed was still gazing on the threatening letter.

"Take good keer o' yo'self, Chad," she said kindly, and then she looked down at the little girl. "He's a-comin' back, honey Chad's a-comin' back." And Chad nodded brightly, but Melissa drew her apron across her mouth, dropped her eyes to the old rifle in the boy's lap, and did not smile.

"Well, Levin, purty yaller Roxy, she told me, an' she's too purty to tell lies. I loves that gal like peach-an'-honey, Levin, an' I don't keer whether she's white or no. She's mos' as white as me, an' a good deal better." "So you do talk to Roxy some?" "Levin, I'll tell you all about it, an' you won't tell nobody.

"Don't you go a-thinking that I keer a nutshell about Pete Warboys, Master Tom," said David, as he was looking into the cottage with the boy by his side, "because I don't, and it sims to me as the fewer Pete Warboyses there is in the world the better we should be. It warn't him I come about's mornin' not Pete, you know, but the lad as had had an accident, and got nearly killed. See?"

"Well, good-by," said Fleming, extending his hand. "Ye didn't tell me what luck ye had with the pan," she said, delaying taking his hand. Fleming shrugged his shoulders. "Oh, my usual luck, nothing," he returned, with a smile. "Ye seem to keer more for gettin' yer old ring back than for any luck," she continued. "I reckon you ain't much o' a miner." "I'm afraid not."

'Fore I die, says I, 'I'll meet up with some woman that 'll love dishes and know how to treat them. I think jest about as much of David as I do my own boys, and I don't make no bones of the fact that he's a heap more of a man. I'd jest as soon my dishes went to his children as to John's. I'll give you every piece I got, if you'll take keer of them." "Would it be right?" wavered the girl.