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The kid he pounded Albrecht's head on the platform, occasionally interestin' Lane by kickin' him in the stomick, while I jist waltzed 'round promiscous-like without seein' no special occasion to take holt anywhar. I reckon they 'd a been thar yit, if the train hands had n't pried 'em apart, an' loaded the remains onter a keer.

"He saves me pretty nigh all the trouble o' takin' keer of 'em. I've been thinkin' that might be a good business for him when he grows up." She was always forecasting his future with more anxiety than generally enters into maternal hopes and fears. When but a year old, he had fallen from the arms of a neighbor who had caught him up from the floor in a fit of tipsy fondness.

He allus kem in as you went out sabe! and got away before you kem back, his wife all the time just a-hoverin' between the two places, and keeping watch for him. It was killin' to her, you see, for she wasn't brought up to it, whiles Jim didn't keer had two revolvers and kalkilated to kill a dozen Vigilants afore he dropped.

Her bow was also gone, and her arrow no longer hung round her neck. She clutched a firm hold of Orion's hand. "Don't you be afeared, Orion," she said. "Don't you forget you is a big giant. Don't you forget you has got your belt and your sword." "But I haven't, that's just it," replied Orion. "Diana, I aren't a giant, and I'm awfu' frightened." "Where can us be?" said Diana. "What a keer room!

Dey say we's too ole, an' dey done lef us to take keer ob de place; dey leabe de smoke-house so we kin git in an' git sumpin to eat. Well, dey is plenty in dar, an' we lib all right, and, bress de Laud, dat save Massa Tom's life. De good Laud fix it dat way, sho' as yo' born. He take tkeer ob de good folks. "Old Ham, who had been silent, broke out: "'Yes, dat's so, massa, dat's so.

Berry won't nebber hab no mo' doubt 'bout de Lo'd takin' keer ob ebberybody speshully niggas an' fools.

"Thet's a secret meetin' over thar," interposed Lincoln Thornton, grimly, "with rifles in ther la'rel ter take keer of trespassers. They'd stretch ye dead afore ye got nigh enough ter shout out much less reason with 'em. Some things is practical an' others is jest damn foolery." "I took thought of them chances," replied Parish, quietly, "afore I made my proffer."

"Uncle Jim was the first one to speak. 'Why, brethren, says he, 'when John saw the heavens opened there wasn't no organs up there. God don't keer nothin', says he, 'about such new-fangled, worldly instruments. But when a lot o' sweet human voices git to praisin' him, why, the very angels stop singin' to listen.

I'm free ter say I dunno nobody equal ter Justus. I hev known Justus sence he war knee-high ter a pa'tridge the way he did keer fur them chil'n, an' brung 'em up ter be equal ter anybody in the lan'! An' smart smart ain't the word fur him! Ef he hed education he could do anything; but he hed ter stan' back an' let the t'other chil'n git it. Whar would Wat be ef 't warn't fur Justus?"

If I ain't better in the morning I guess " the words came reluctantly "I guess you'd better go see the Christmas lady. I wouldn't mind her knowin' so much. 'T won't be fer long, nohow, cause I kin take keer of you all soon soon 's I kin git up." The talking brought on severe coughing, and he sank back exhausted. "Can't you go to sleep, honey?" asked his mother.