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You jist take keer uv my shoes, an' I'll hev him yer ez quick ez Tim Price kin foot it, if he follers well an' hain't contrairy-like, holdin' back." Tim Price relieved his feet of their encumbrances, and started. When his tall, gaunt figure had disappeared around the corner, the Doctor grew red in the face from an internal convulsion, and then exploded past all concealment of his joke.

Besides, I 'low it sarved me right 'n' I don't keer fer the knapsack drill, so I didn't git you into a scrape." COL. TERRENCE P. McTARNAGHAN, as his name would indicate, had first opened his eyes where the blue heavens bend over the evergreen sod of Ireland.

quoted Gladys, waving her hand in the direction of the heap. "No doubt, but for a job like that I really wouldn't keer!" answered Katherine. "Come on, you can climb over it." And suiting the action to the word she took a long step over the pile of bricks and then reached down and pulled Gladys up after her.

And he hadn't got more'n a couple o' rods with him when another cannon-ball come along and tuk his head off, shore enough! and the curioust thing about it was ha! ha! that the feller was a-packin' him didn't know that he had been hit ag'in at all, and back he went still carryin' the deceased back ha! ha! ha! to where the doctors could take keer of him as he thought.

Peter stirred uneasily in his chair. "I don't keer about holdin' no talk with 'er ur startin' 'er off by the sight o' me but I'll go thar I see 'er door ain't shet an' I'll put the grub whar she'll see it." "Well, that'll do," agreed Mrs. Slogan. "Feedin' 'er ain't a-goin' to make 'er any wuss, an' it mought have a quietin' effect."

Bement looked at the officer and said, "Wal, my husbun don' genally keer to hev folks a seein the pris'ners, coz it makes em kinder discontented like." She hesitated a little and then added, "But I dunno's 'twill dew no harm Cephas, bein as Fennell won' las' much longer anyhow."

"I don't know I know they are strange creatures," said Keith, almost with a sigh, as his past with one woman came vividly before him. "Well, they won't let a man go, noway, not entirely unless he's in the way. So, though Phrony don't keer nothin' in the world about Dave, she sort o' kep' him on-an'-off-like till this here young Wickersham come down here.

So Ham an' me jes' carried him into dis house, an' got blankets and kivers, and wash him wid wa'm water, and took keer on him; setted up all de time, one or bofe on us, and kep' him good an' wa'm, an yo' see he's done gittin' well. De good Laud heah our prayers, an' he whisper to pore ole Marfa dat he gwine to fetch him out for some good he gwine to do for us pore people.

When he goes, little Mary Elizabeth, why, she's offered to take keer of all his harmless live things till he comes back, an' I s'pose they'll be letters a-passin' back and fo'th. It does seem so funny, when I think about it. 'Pears like thess the other day thet Mis' Wallace fetched little Mary Elizabeth over to look at Sonny, an' he on'y three days old.

You all take keer er dat ar een', sezee, 'en I'll take keer er dish yer een', sezee. "Den dey all put out en lef' Brer Tarrypin at de branch, en w'en dey got good en gone, he dove down inter de water, he did, en tie de bed-cord hard en fas' ter wunner deze yer big clay-roots, en den he riz up en gin a whoop.