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The crew were mostly Arabs and Lascars, and the first mate, a typical comic magazine Irishman, delivered himself of the following: "Sure, toward the last some o' thim haythen gits down on their knees and starts calling on Allah: but I sez, sez I, 'Git up afore I swat ye wid the ax handle, ye benighted haythen; sure if this boat gits saved 't will be the Holy Virgin does it or none at all, at all!

"Formation again, lads!" called the sturdy voice of the leader. "We do be wastin' time wid these haythen!" The canoe rounded, passed up between the others, which closed in behind, and the cannon-boat lumbered into place in the rear. As he passed the strangers in their midst the tall man looked hard at Maren, the five men, and leaned out a bit to see what lay in the bottom.

Sky-High in a serene and beautiful spirit continued ironing, Nora went back to her pantry. "It's not I that likes the foreign boy under the roof," she said. "He'll be convertin' the mistress into a haythen! It'll not be long I'll be here!" Lucy sat down outside among the trees and birds and watched the wan waving gently in the wind. How neat Sky-High looked in his flowing dress of white and blue!

'And what right have the haythen spalpeens to turn to the east like good Christians? ''Tis to their Prophet's tomb they look, at Mecca. 'There, an' I tould you they were no better than haythens, returned Lanty, 'to be praying and knocking their heads on the bare boards that have as much sense as they have to a dead man's tomb.

"I was right there, busy with me cookie' utensils," she said, "Miss Linda was a-sittin, on that exact spot, they jist havin finished atin' some of her haythen messes; and the lad was lyin, square where the boulder struck, on the Indian blanket, atin' a pace of cactus candy.

"The biscuit lies beside you, don't give in so soon, man." "Thank you, sir, I have about done." "Meetuck, ye haythen, try a bit o' the roast; do now, av it was only to plaaze me." Meetuck shook his head quietly, and, cutting a fifteenth lump off the mass of raw walrus that lay beside him, proceeded leisurely to devour it. "The dogs is nothin' to him," muttered O'Riley.

"It do beat all nater to see that pious old gurrl so fond of a haythen creetur that's enough to disgrace a pirate hisself; an' the quareness of it just gets me, it do." I'm afraid she'll disgrace us all!"

Betty had her kinsfolk about her in Philadelphia, her church and her gossips. She complained bitterly to me this morning that she 'had no company here but the cows: Miss Swendon might as well have whisked her off into a haythen desart." "She complained to you!" cried the captain. "Why, the trouble and money which Jane has given to that woman and her family! They were starving, I assure you!"

No one would have resented it more than Mr. Patrick O'Reilly, whose rank as regards enlightenment and education certainly was not very high. "I say, John," said Dick Roberts, "are you fond of rat pie?" "Lat pie velly good," returned Ki Sing, with a look of appreciation. "Melican man like him?" "Hear the haythen!" said O'Reilly, with an expression of deep disgust.

He allows thim to keep all th' dogs they want, he proticts thim fr'm dissolute habits be takin' their loose money fr'm thim, an' ivry year he gives thim an Armeenyan massacree which is a great help to th' cigareet business in this counthry. "Happy Abdul, thinks I. If I cud be a haythen an' was a marryin' man, 'tis ye'er soft spot I'd like to land in f'r me declinin' days.