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Phil might come out now, if he chose. His enemy had deserted his post, and the coast was clear. "That'll make the haythen lave," thought Mrs. McGuire, who, though sorry to see the rain on account of her washing, exulted in the fact that Pietro was caught out in it. She went to the front door and looked out. Looking up the street, she just caught a glimpse of the organ in rapid retreat.

"Ye can holler as much as ye have the moind ter. Be jabers, the next haythen Chinkee that gits out of the darbies I clap on'm 'll be a slippery, slathery eel, and meself after fergittin' to maake a knot in his taale! Come quiet, me good haythen, and I'll dale aisy wid yer."

The Chinaman gazed at the questioner vacantly. "What's your name, you haythen?" repeated O'Reilly, emphasizing the inquiry by a powerful shake. "My name Ki Sing," answered the Mongolian nervously. "Where did you come from, old pigtail?" "My name Ki Sing, not Pigtail," said the Chinaman, not understanding the meaning of the epithet.

"Heard you ever the like of that?" said Ody Rafferty's aunt, not unwillingly scandalised, "I should suppose nobody, unless it was a born haythen, 'ud know of any place better than Heaven." "That's where she is then," said Con, stroking his feather. "For the best place ever was is none too good for her, God knows well." "And thrue for you, man," said the Widdy M'Gurk.

"There is no end of 'paddies' along this river, and I'm sure they cannot understand your lingo." "Is it paddies in this haythen oisland?" demanded Felix, suspending the operation of dressing himself, and staring at his fellow deck-hand. "I don't belayve a wurrud of ut!" "Are there no paddies up this river, Achang?" said Louis, appealing to the Bornean.

The husband again became composed and related what is already familiar to the reader. At its close, Teddy dashed into the house and brought out his rifle. "I'll murther that At-to-uck, be me sowl, and then I'll murther that haythen assassinator, an' iverybody that gits in me way. Be the powers of the saints and divils, but I'll murther somebody. May the divil roast me if I "

Musha! his lance goes out and in like a thailor's needle; an' he niver strikes more nor wance, the haythen!" "He certainly does know how to do it, Bryan," replied Frank; "and it's a comfort to know that every thrust kills in a moment. I like to see as little of the appearance of cruelty as possible in work of this kind."

"There's a compliment for you, O'Reilly," said one of the miners. "John prefers to be a Chinaman to being like you." "He's a barbarious haythen, anyhow," said O'Reilly, surveying his prisoner with unfriendly eyes. "What did he come over to America for, anyhow?"

"Who? Tarquin?" cried Dick Barnes, naming the steward. "Ay, sure enough that same Tarquin's his name, an it's kuriously befittin' the haythen, for of all the cross-grained mixtures o' buffalo, bear, bandicoot, and crackadile I iver seed, he's out o' sight " "Did I hear any one mention my name?" inquired the steward himself who came aft at that moment.

Teddy, or Thaddeus, I drink to your symmetry and inexplicable proportions; and I say for your comfort, my worthy distillator, that if you are not so refulgent in beauty as Venus, you are a purer haythen." "Fwhat a bloody fwhine Bairlha man the meeisther is," said Teddy, with a grin. "Fwhaicks, meeisthur, your de posey of Tullyticklem, spishilly wid Captain Fwhiskey at your back.