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He took the cigar partly from his mouth, but sucked it back again immediately, chewed it lovingly once or twice, and spoke, in virulent puffs, from the corner of his mouth: "What is it, ye yaller haythen? Would ye lay contrivances against the enlightened races of the earth, ye instigator of illegal crimes? Would ye seek to persuade Martin Burney into the dirty tricks of an indecent Dago?

"'Twill be a gr-reat occasion, Hinnissy, an' be-dad I'd like to be there to see it. Ye can't go too sthrong again' th' Chinee. Me frind th' impror iv Germany put it right. 'Brave boys, says he, 'ye ar-re goin' out now, he says, 'f'r to carry th' light iv Christyanity, he says, 'an' th' teachin's iv th' German Michael, he says, 'to th' benighted haythen beyant, he says.

"Bad luck to it!" he exclaimed, frantically scrambling to his feet, "but it has knocked me deaf and dumb. I'll have ye, owld haythen, yit, or me name isn't Teddy McFadden, from Limerick downs." Teddy's fall had given the fugitive quite an advantage, and as he was fully as fleet of foot as the Irishman, the latter was unable to regain his lost ground.

Work! why, Oi 'm dommed if a green Swade did n't fall the full length of the shaft one day, an' whin we wint over to pick him up, what was it ye think the poor haythen said? He opened his oies an' asked, 'Is the boss mad? afeared he 'd lose his job! An' so ye was workin' for a thafe, was ye? An' what for?" "Two tollar saxty cint."

"Th' nex' day in comes a man with a suit iv clothes that looks like a tablecloth in a section house, an' says he: 'Poor ignorant haythen, he says, 'what manner iv food d'ye ate? he says. 'Rice, says I, 'an' rats is me fav'rite dish, I says. 'Deluded wretch, says he. 'I riprisint Armour an' Company, an' I'm here to make ye change ye'er dite, he says.

"Sure, and it's in mighty good luck ye should estame yourself, to fall into the hands of a tender-hearted boy like meself, who lets the dirty life stop in your haythen carcase. By all the laws of your warfare, I am bound to put my bayonet into your stomach instead of making ye a prisoner, just as if ye were a respectable sodger, who gave and took quarter like a Christian. Get along wid ye!

Franklin and his friends joined the rude circle of what they were glad to see was meant to be an impromptu council. White Calf arose and faced the white men. "White men go!" he said, his voice rising. "Injun heap shoot!" "B'gad, I believe the haythen thinks he can scare us," said Battersleigh, calmly.

When Sergeant Gellatly appeared in court at the trial he refused to bear witness against Little Hammer. "D' ye think does wan av y' think that I'll speak a word agin the man haythen or no haythen that pulled me out of me tomb and put me betune the barrack quilts?

Katy set her hands on her hips, flared her elbows, and lifted her chin. "What's any of them little haythen been coin' to scare ye, missy?" she demanded belligerently. "Don't you think I'm afraid of them! Comes any of them around me and I'll take my mopstick over the heads of them." "And you'll break a perfectly good mopstick and not hurt the Jap when you do it," said Linda.

"Poor things! an' no wondher, wid such a haythen of a father; but, Jemmy, bring the heifer here first till I look at it, an' the sooner you bring it here the sooner they'll have relief, the crathurs." It is not our intention to follow up this iniquitous bargain any further; it is enough to say that the heifer passed from Jemmy's possession into his, at about the fourth part of its value.