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Updated: August 8, 2024

For the bones uv me frinds that's lyin' in this haythen land, I'll clane as fur as I can reach. An' I'll have the run uv me belt to-day, an " he added, then stopped short as the order came from McNeill that the Berkshires should receive dinner by half-battalions. "An' 'igh time," said Corporal Bagshot.

Strange thing! He turned me out of the house in a rage one day, and had neither seen me nor written me a letter from my seventeenth to my thirtieth birthday, when he died or thereabouts. But at the last, when he was on his bed of death, he rolled himself over and said to the priest, 'There's Jimmy out at his devilry among the haythen Turks, he says.

I asked him his business, and not a word but gibberish will he let out of him. But he's brought no papers nor parcels at all, and sorra peep will I let him have of your honour's room. The haythen thief!" But even as O'Brien spoke, a Chinaman, in a China blue dress, passed between him and the door-post, and stood in the room. "Who are you?" asked the engineer peremptorily.

Then placing a harpoon and coil of rope on the sledge, and taking up his musket, he made signs to the party to keep under the cover of a hummock, and, pushing the sledge before him, advanced towards the seals in a stooping posture, so as to be completely hid behind the bit of canvas. "O the haythen! I see it now!" exclaimed O'Riley, his face puckering up with fun.

"And will ye tell me, now," said Battersleigh, "how the haythen knows a bit more of it than we oursilves? He's never been here before. I'm thinkin' it's pure guess he's givin' us, me boy." "No, sir," said Curly, positively. "If Juan says a thing like that, he knows. I don't know how he knows it, but he shore does, and I'll gamble on him every time. You see, he ain't hardly like folks, that feller.

O'Reilly did not fancy his interference, and demanded, in a surly tone: "Do you mean to compare me wid this haythen?" "You are alike in one respect," said Richard Dewey quietly. "Neither of you were born in this country, but each of you came here to improve your fortunes." "And hadn't I the right, I'd like to know?" blustered O'Reilly. "To be sure you had.

She pointed to numerous pieces of punk, such as serve the small boy on the Fourth of July, that were consuming slowly before the ugly joss. "No, ma'am not but they needs it all right enough," said Corson, "but that's the haythen way of sayin' your prayers." This information was so astonishing that Corson was allowed to finish his explanation without further remarks from Mrs. Bowser.

"I am inclined to think, Mr. Keenan," said the schoolmaster, "that you are in the habit occasionally of taking slight liberties wid the haythen mythology. Little, I'll be bound, the divine goddess of beauty ever dreamt she'd find a representative in Teddy Phats." "Bravo! masther," replied Keenan, "you're the boy can do only that English is too tall for me.

Fitzpatrick, who had been listening impatiently for some moments, broke forth upon him. "Ye can kape yer money," she cried wrathfully. "What sort av a man are ye, at all, at all, that ye sind yer helpless childer to a strange land with a scut like that?" "Paulina was an honest woman once," he interposed. "An' what for," she continued wrathfully, "are ye lavin' thim now among a pack o' haythen?

Lend me your fiddle, Johnny, till I try it a little." Phil shook his head. "Give it to me now; I won't be hurtin' it." "You'll break it." "Then I'll pay for it." "It isn't mine." "Whose is it, then?" "The padrone's." "And who's the padrone?" "The man I live with. If the fiddle is broken, he will beat me." "Then he's an ould haythen, and you may tell him so, with Tim Rafferty's compliments.

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