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"When could that have been?" she bantered. The old fellow's face disappeared into a network of wrinkles. "Dat wuz when he picked his gloves offen de po'ch an' got one on befoh knowin' a hornet had done crawled in it. He come purty nigh fergittin' his salvation, den! All de same," he added, still chuckling, "he say he's comin' over dis 'way dis evenin', less'n de lightnin' strike 'im.

Folks lack yo' gran'daddy and yo' gran'mammy an' all de Frenches dey don' none er dem come back, fer dey wuz all good people an' is all gone ter hebben. But I'm fergittin' de tale. "'Well, hoo's de man hoo's de man? ax Mistah Sellers, w'en Jeff tol' 'im dey wuz somebody wat 'ud stay in de ole ha'nted house all night. "'I'm de man, sez Jeff.

"Ye can holler as much as ye have the moind ter. Be jabers, the next haythen Chinkee that gits out of the darbies I clap on'm 'll be a slippery, slathery eel, and meself after fergittin' to maake a knot in his taale! Come quiet, me good haythen, and I'll dale aisy wid yer."

You'd better turn in and go to sleep and not be telling durn lies about folks that's old enough to be your great-grandfather, but ain't too old yet to give ye a licking, b'gosh! Don't ye go to fergittin' that I'm a constable, and can arrest people who use language cal'lated to provoke a breach of the peace."

I 'lows he wus a dandy at the bizness end o' a gun, an' I walked lame fer a month after. But ther' was a onattached widdy in that town when we'd done." "You killed him?" Tresler asked. "Wal, I didn't wait to ast no details. Guess I got busy fergittin' religion right off.

Now the Lord A'mighty put thet air pertickler thing in you fer some good reason, an' ther's bound to be a hitch in the machinery when hit's took out. Hit's a marvel to me some of these here patients ain't a amblin' round on all fours from what's been did to their insides!" "But think whut the doctor did fer me," urged Sally. "I ain't fergittin'," Pop said suddenly, "an' I've paid 'em fer hit.

"Never knowed no big celebration to come off like it was planned, or 'thout somebody gittin' a leg busted, or the big speaker fergittin' what day it was, or suthin'. Seems like the hull weight of this here falls right on to me." "Responsibility," said Scattergood, with a twinkle in his eye, "is a turrible thing to bear up under.

"What's the matter, Anderson? Ain't you well?" she asked at last. "No; I'm just thinkin'," he responded, rather dismally. "Doggone, I cain't get it out of my head, Eva." "Can't get what out?" "About Rosalie." "Well, what about her?" "That's jest like a woman always fergittin' the most important things in the world. Don't you know that the twenty years is up?"

D'ey's positive ridick'lous! Mine's Ringtail Pete, but me frien's has reasons fer fergittin' de tail part of it when dey names me to me face see?" He smiled his twisted smile, raised one paw, and regarded its claws with a sort of humorous pride. The Persian cat said nothing.

As the meal dragged on Ma abandoned her efforts entirely, and a long silence ensued. Finally Rube pushed back his chair and rose from the table. Then it was that Seth spoke for the first time. He looked from Rube to Ma. He was trying to look unconcerned, and even smiled. "Say," he observed, "guess I was fergittin'. I got a bit of a letter from England."