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"Lassie," urged Gootes, underlining the honey of his voice with a tantalizing glimpse of a rapidfire snatching of three colored handkerchiefs out of the air, "tis no sensible course ye follow. Think, gurrl, what the press can do to a recalcitrant lass like yoursel. Ye wouldna like it if tomorrow's paper branded you and I quote 'an unsexed harpy, a traitor to mankind, a heartless, soulless "

"I'm glad you come at last, Miss Sybyller. The missus has been in a dreadful stoo for fear something had happened yuz. She's been runnin' in an' out like a gurrl on the look-out fer her lover, and was torkin' of sendin' me after yuz, but she went to her tea soon as she see the buggy come in sight.

Oh, maybe she's cute, but there's them that's cuter, an' they don't live over in Europe, neither. Don't you worry " "Which I'm not doin' at all, me fine duck," vouchsafed Murphy boredly, crowding down the tobacco in his pipe. "An' it's you that's doin' the worryin', and fer why I dunno." "Oh, I ain't worryin' but that gurrl, she better look out, an' the old un she better look out too."

"Poor gurrl," he reflected as he followed Nan aboard the train. "She have a sweet face, that she have, God forgive her! An be th' Rock av Cashel, she have a v'ice like an angel from heaven." He sat down in a seat behind her and across the aisle, and all the way to Seattle he stared at the back of her neck or the beautiful rounded profile of her cheek.

"An' fer what, then, Mike, should the gurrl be lookin' out? Fer a husband, maybe yer thinkin'." Mike nodded his head in a way that did not mean assent, but merely that he was not telling all his thoughts. He fell silent, staring again at the glowing crack in the stove. Twice he snapped his knuckles before he spoke again. "She thinks," he began again abruptly, "that everybody's blind.

"It do beat all nater to see that pious old gurrl so fond of a haythen creetur that's enough to disgrace a pirate hisself; an' the quareness of it just gets me, it do." I'm afraid she'll disgrace us all!"

An' if he's kilt the gurrl an' the missus' boy, like he kilt Hank Brown, it's like he's found the cave the lad was livin' in, an' is sthayin' holed up there, I dunno fer he ain't been near the cabin, an' unlest a tree er a fallin' limb kilt him, he'd have to be sthayin' somewheres. Fer he's kilt the gurrl an' the boy, an' I'll bet money on it, I dunno."

But that's where she makes a big mistake. They's nothin' the matter with my eyes. An' that old un, she better look out too. Why, the gurrl, she goes spyin' around t' meet the other spy, an' the old un she goes spyin' around after the gurrl, an' me I'm spyin' on all of 'em!" He waved a dirt grimed, calloused hand awkwardly. "The whole bunch," he chortled.

"That gurrl," Mike blurted abruptly while he cracked his knuckles, "she'd better look out!" "A-ah," retorted Murphy scornfully, "belike ye'd better tell her so thin. Or belike ye better set yerself t' look out fer the gurrl I dunno." "Oh, I'll look out fer her," Mike gobbled, nodding his head mysteriously. "I bin lookin' out fer her all the time but she ain't as cute as what she thinks she is.

And, after all, it's his affair you needn't bother. 'Oh ! she cried, with rough scorn 'it's not me that bothers. But it's the nasty meanness of it me writing him such loving letters' she put her hand before her face and laughed malevolently 'and sending him parcels all the time. You bet he fed that gurrl on my parcels I know he did. It's just like him.