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"I must compliment him on his fluency, certainly," said Paul, looking at George. The old servant smiled, and not without a certain condescension. "Yes, sah; I don' say to a scholar like yo'self, sah, dat I'se got de grandmatical presichion; but as fah, sah as fah as de IDIOTISMS ob de language goes. Sah it's gen'lly allowed I'm dar!

Now, when I study 'pon it, I think de straight road de best, deridedly." "She would naturally go a lonesome way," said Haley, thinking aloud, and not minding Sam's remark. "Dar an't no sayin'," said Sam; "gals is pecular; they never does nothin' ye thinks they will; mose gen'lly the contrary.

Conscience had pricked him more than once that week, and he was glad to own it now; his rough sense of honor was touched by her frank expression, and, as he answered, his hand was offered readily. "I like that, Kitty, and think the better of you for't. Let bygones be bygones. I gen'lly got as good as I give, and I guess I deserved some on't.

"Boys," says Sam mysteriously, while he was drawing the cider, "you jest ask your Aunt Lois to tell you what she knows 'bout Ruth Sullivan." "Why, what is it?" "Oh! you must ask her. These 'ere folks that's so kind o' toppin' about sperits and sich, come sift 'em down, you gen'lly find they knows one story that kind o' puzzles 'em. Now you mind, and jist ask your Aunt Lois about Ruth Sullivan."

His gaze shifted from the tramp's face to the stuff on the fire, his nostrils wrinkling. Then slowly: "I'm in trouble," he said, and held out his hands. "Wot I'd call a mild way o' puttin' it," said the tramp coolly. "That purticular kind o' joolry ain't gen'lly wore for pleasure." His eyes took on a nervous squint and roved past Mr. Trimm's stooped figure down the slope of the hillock.

"I wish I had heard Mr. Power that day, for I was striving after peace with all my heart, and he might have given it to me," said Christie, interested and impressed with what she heard. "Wal, no, dear, I guess not. Peace ain't give to no one all of a suddin, it gen'lly comes through much tribulation, and the sort that comes hardest is best wuth havin'. Mr.

Don't see, for my part, how white people gen'lly can bar to hev to write things much as they do, writin' 's such slow, oneasy kind o' work." Mrs. Shelby smiled. "I'm a thinkin' my old man won't know de boys and de baby. Lor'! she's de biggest gal, now, good she is, too, and peart, Polly is. She's out to the house, now, watchin' de hoe-cake.

Men ain't always to be picked up at sea just when they're wanted," said Johnson, "so I've took to keepin' my prisoners alive and landing 'em there, so's I can draw upon 'em when I want to; and I've found that if they won't cut in and take a hand with us exactly to oncet they gen'lly will a little later on, just to escape bein' worked to death ashore." "And what about materials?" persisted Lance.

And so, no matter what day or hour Ketury had a mind to rap at anybody's door, folks gen'lly thought it was best to let her in; but then, they never thought her coming was for any good, for she was just like the wind, she came when the fit was on her, she staid jest so long as it pleased her, and went when she got ready, and not before.

"Gen'lly I do; and if I don't I take it on trust, same as children do what older folks tell 'em; and byme-by when I'm grown up in spiritual things I'll understan' as the dears do, when they git to be men and women." That suited Christie, and she thought hopefully within herself: "This woman has got the sort of religion I want, if it makes her what she is.