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"I had jest been feedin' mah mule, Boomerang. He were pow'ful hungry, Boomerang were, an', when I give him some oats, wif a carrot sliced up in 'em no, hole on did I gib him a carrot t'day, or was it yist'day? I done fo'got. No, it were yist'day I done gib him de carrot, I 'member now, 'case " "Oh, never mind the carrot, or Boomerang, either, Rad!" broke in Tom, "I'm asking you about the fire."

Dat parrot o' yoahs sho is Gawd's own nuisance nippin' at mah fingahs an' screechin' his fool head off.... 'Cose I ain't sayin' it's his fault keepin' dat young gemman on de secon' flo' awake las' night.... But lak I say to Mistah Wilson, when he lights into me dis mawnin', runnin' off at de mouf 'cause I fo'got to put Cap'n's covah on his cage las' night, I ain't de onliest one what fo'gits in dis hyar house.... Comin' home Gawd knows when, leavin' de front do' unlocked de res' o' de night, so's bugglers and murderers and Gawd knows who could walk right in hyar "

Old Gabe's eyes bulged as he contemplated the size of his fortune. "All this, suh mine?" "All yours an' you better not miss that six o'clock train. Never can tell what'll happen, you know, Gabe. Pitkin will keep General Duval, I reckon?" Gabe grinned from ear to ear. "I fo'got to tell him so," he chuckled, "but he got both them hosses now. Mist' Curry, whut yo' reckon Sol'mun would say 'bout us?"

"Well, Uncle Dan'l, I think that -My! here comes another one up the river! There can't be two!" "We gone dis time we done gone dis time, sho'! Dey ain't two, mars Clay days de same one. De Lord kin 'pear eberywhah in a second. Goodness, how do fiah and de smoke do belch up! Dat mean business, honey. He comin' now like he fo'got sumfin.

Wilson, one of the two young men on the second floor, left the front door unlocked when he came in last night?" Dundee asked. "Does he admit it?" "Yassuh," Belle told him sulkily. "He say he was tiahed when he got home 'long 'bout midnight, an' he clean fo'got to turn de key in de do' an' shoot de bolt." "Thanks, Belle.

"What you want heah?" the cook demanded. "The pie you promised me," I answered. "Humph! Ain't you fo'got dat pie yet? You got de most miraculous memorizer eveh Ah heared of. You wait." I heard him fumbling inside the galley; then he opened the door and stepped out on deck as if he had just decided to take a breath of fresh air.

But he was almost asleep, and his wife signalled me not to wake him. So I was stealing away toward the door, when he opened his eyes and murmured, drowsily: "De tex', oh yes, seh. I fo'got 'twas a Scripcheh tex' 'Be thou faithful unto " He then turned over, settling himself comfortably in his pillows, and in a moment dropped asleep.

As Washington turned to leave the room, for he had entered it when Jack and Mark were talking to aim, the latter lad asked: "Did you want to see us about anything particular, Wash?" "Why, I suah did," was the reply, "I did come t' tell yo' dat Perfesser Henderson would be pleased to hold some conversations wid yo', but when Massa Jack done mentioned about dem diamonds, I clean fo'got it.

"Well, Uncle Dan'l, I think that -My! here comes another one up the river! There can't be two!" "We gone dis time we done gone dis time, sho'! Dey ain't two, mars Clay days de same one. De Lord kin 'pear eberywhah in a second. Goodness, how do fiah and de smoke do belch up! Dat mean business, honey. He comin' now like he fo'got sumfin.

I's one o' de ole Blue hen's Chickens, I is! an' den I see dat young man stan' a-starin' an' stiff, lookin' kin' o' up at de ceilin' like he fo'got somefin, an' couldn't 'member it no mo'. Well, I jist march' on dem niggers so, lookin' like a gen'l an' dey jist cave' away befo' me an' out at de do'. An' as dis young man a-goin' out, I heah him say to another nigger, 'Jim, he says, 'you go 'long an' tell de cap'n I be on han' 'bout eight o'clock in de mawnin'; dey's somefin on my mine, he says; 'I don't sleep no mo' dis night.