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Updated: August 28, 2024

ALWAY somebody talkin' for great Montreal Fadder among red men." "It must be as you say, Chippewa but, here are our visitors let us see what we can make of THEM" By this time, the canoe was so near as to render it easy to distinguish countenances and dress, without the aid of the glass so near, indeed, that a swift-moving boat, like the canoe, might be expected soon to reach the shore.

"What he mak' here?" "What is he saying, Jerry? Tell me everything quick!" commanded Cameron sharply. Jerry was listening with eager face. "He mak' beeg spik," he said. "Go on!" "He say Indian long tam' 'go have all country when his fadder small boy. Dem day Indian lak' deer go every place. Dem day Indian man lak' bear 'fraid notting. Good tam', happy, hunt deer, keel buffalo, hit all day.

"Ay tank ets a good deal money, by sure," she said to herself; "but das leedle children mus' have new fadder to mak mind un tak care dere mudder like, by yimminy! An' Ay tank no man look may way in das ole dress I been wearing."

But I's a'most sorry I did now, for you's got no self-'straint, an' if you goes by you'self you'll git took up for sartin', an' dey'll whip your fadder till he's dead, or frow him on de hooks, or skin him alive, or " "Oh, horrible! Don't say such dreadful things, Peter!" exclaimed Hester, covering her face with her hands.

"Moss a hundred, young massa; I don't know zackly but I great big boy when I comed from de ole country, tudder side ob de sea my country, massa. Den, sir, my massa who brought me here, was gone to de country whar de white folks first comed from, England. I neber see him till de ole war, when his fadder been dead two year, den he comed home one night and all de family but one had gone to de war.

By de way, whar is dis ship bound?" he went on. "To Africa." "Africa! Shuah yo' is foolin', Massah Dick?" "No, I am not. We and our uncle are bound for the Congo River." "De Congo! Dat's whar my great gran' fadder dun come from so I heard my mammy tell, years ago. I don't want to go dar, not me!" "I don't see how you are going to help yourself, Aleck.

"De only danger, Miss Winnie, lies in your fadder losin' his head at sitch a t'riffic height, an' dar's no fear at all ob dat, for Massa neber loses his head pooh! you might as well talk ob him losin' his heart. Look! look! he git close to de hole now he put his foot yes next step dar! he've done it!"

"A most satisfactory account of yourself," said Will Osten. Thus appealed to, the gratified native began without hesitation, and gave the following account of himself: "Me dun know when me was born " "Faix, it wasn't yesterday," said Larry, interrupting. "No, nor de day before to-morrow nother," retorted Bunco; "but it was in Callyforny, anyhow. Me fadder him wos a Injin "

The poor widow pointed to the cold corner where her husband died lately. She said that "his name was Tim Pedder. His fadder name was Timothy, an' his mudder name was Mary. I found in this case, as in some others, that the poor body had not much to say about her distress; but she did not need to say much.

The man lifted the boy in his strong arms, kissed him again and again, then setting him down said to Paulina, "Let us go in." Paulina stepped forward and knocked at the door. Mrs. Fitzpatrick answered the knock and, seeing Paulina, was about to shut the door upon her face, when Paulina put up her hand. "Look," she cried, pointing to the man, who stood back in the shadow, "Irma fadder."

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