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Sambo den only piccaninny and Sir Ebbered make him top in e fort oh berry bad times dat, Massa Geral. Poor Frank Hallabay e shot fust, because e let he grand fadder out ob e fort, and den ebery ting go bad berry bad indeed." "But the curse of Ellen Halloway, Sambo you must have heard of it surely even if you were not present at the utterance.

"I means dat if you got hold ob yer fadder dat time, he bery likely grip you tight an' refuse to part wid you at no price ebermore; so den, ob course, dey tear him away, an' he kick up a shindy an' try to kill somebody p'r'aps do it! Oh, its's allers de way. I's oftin seen it wid the big strong men an' your fadder am big.

Despite this talk, however, the newcomers were welcomed cordially, and to the credit of the students be it said that each old cadet did all in his power to make the new boys feel perfectly at home. "Mine fadder vos von soldier py der Cherman army," said Hans Mueller. "Dot's vy he sent me py a military academy ven we come py dis country."

"Francois," said he, "did you have much conversation with McLeod before he dismissed you on the way down?" "Oui, Monsieur, we had ver moche conversatione." "Can you remember what it was about?" "Oh oui. 'Bout a'most all tings. I tell him de mos' part of my histoire, me fadder, me moder, broder, sister, an' all dat, 'bout vich he seem not to care von buttin.

"Well, as I was 'bout to say, you mus' promise me on your word ob honour, dat you'll neber go alone to see your fadder, but allers in company wid Sally; dat you neber, neber speak to him, an' dat you neber make you'self know'd to him till de right time comes." "These are hard conditions, Peter, but I see the reasonableness of them all, and promise at least I promise to do my best."

"When will zoo take me back to my own fadder?" asked Tony, emboldened by the Indian's growing familiarity. No reply was given to this, but the question seemed to throw the red man into a savage reverie, and a dark frown settled on his painted face, as he muttered, "The Little Wolf meant to take the white man's life, but he was wise: he spared his life and took his heart. His revenge is sweeter.

Hows'ever, put it as you t'ink best 'Dear fadder, victual your ship; up anchor; hois' de sails, an' steer for de Cocos-Keelin' Islands. Go ashore; git hold ob de young 'ooman called Kat'leen Hobbleben " "Holbein, Moses." "What! is she Moses too?" "No, no! get on, man."

Dis am not all what's to come ob it. You see, I has pity on your poo' heart, so I t'ink you might go ebery oder day an' hab a good look at your fadder; but how kin you go if you not know whar he works? So I tooked you to show you de way.

"Well, `Dearest fadder, git a hold ob her, whateber her name is, an' carry her off body and soul, an' whateber else b'longs to her. Take her to de town ob Anjer an' wait dere for furder orders. Ob course for de windin' up o' de letter you must appeal agin to de state ob your affections, for, as " "Not a bad idea," exclaimed Nigel. "Why, Moses, you're a genius!

But the train was gone and all they could see of it was the last car as it swung around one of the mountain bends. "Too late, Mr. Mallison!" sang out the station master. "If I had known ye was comin' I might have held her up a bit." "I didn't want the train, Jackson. Who got on board?" "Two ladies, a man and a boy Dick Fadder." "Did you know the man?" "No." "What did he have with him?"