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Updated: August 28, 2024

Ebony, the faithful and sable servitor of the family, got hold of Orlando as soon as his poor mother would let him go, and hurried him off to a certain nook in the neighbouring palm-grove where he was wont to retire at times for meditation. "You's quite sure yous fadder was not shooted?" he began, in gasping anxiety, when he had forced the boy down on a grassy bank.

"Dey do say dat de fadder is at work on de for'fications on de sout' side ob de Kasba." "Well, you are a greater fool than I took you for," said Osman, in whom contempt was quickly taking the place of anger. "I s'pose I is, massa. An' I s'pose it am part ob my foolishness to be lookin' arter dis yar gal but den, you see, I lubs Ben-Ahmed, so " "Well, well, Peter, I believe you mean well "

Men, you all want to go back home, and when you go you'll want to put on your soft clothes, and you won't go till you can go in good style; but where did the prodigal get his good clothes? Quick came the answer in Baptiste's shrill voice 'From de old fadder! No one was surprised, and the minister went on

An' dere's no sayin' what might come ob seein' de fadder for we's off de scent entirely jist now." "There's little doubt of that, Peter," said Osman, pausing, and looking meditatively at the ground. "Moreober," suggested the negro, "when a man wid a cleber head an' a purswavis tongue like you tackles a t'ing, it's bery strange indeed if not'ing comes ob it."

"Ho, yis! bery close at hand, Geo'ge!" said Peter himself, suddenly emerging from a place of concealment. "Now you come along wid me, sar, an' let dat poo' chile meet her fadder in private." "But she cannot do that, Peter, for Edouard Laronde is with him." "Who'n all de wurld's Eddard Larongd?"

"My dranfadder says," she began, in a piping little voice, "dat when he was a little boy his fadder brought him a little monkey from de West Indies. De naughty boys in de village used to tease de little monkey, and he runned up a tree one day. Dey was drowing stones at him, and a man dat was paintin' de house druv 'em away. De monkey runned down de tree, and shook hands wid de man.

As the two-year-old hailed him as "fadder", I gathered that he was the person responsible for the family now fighting at his feet. "What's the trouble?" he asked helplessly. "She gave Thag a nickel," explained the eldest boy, "and we want it." The man drew a sigh of relief. The solution of this family problem was instantly and satisfactorily met by an impartial distribution of nickels.

Then Cohen junior looked up brightly. "Fadder," he asked, "is marriage a failure?" "Vell, my poy," was the parent's reply, "if you marry a really wealthy woman, marriage is almost as good as a failure." It was Easter eve on leap year, and the dear young thing, who had been receiving long but somewhat unsatisfactory visits from the very shy young man, decided she might take a chance.

Early that morning they had gone to the jail, but after waiting for hours they were refused admission by the guard. "A very cross man send us away," said the girl. "He say he put us in jail too. We can see our fadder no more." Her words were followed by a new outburst of grief on the part of Paulina and the two children. "But the Judge said you were to see him," said Mrs. French in surprise.

"Eet ees," she answered at length, "dat my man, too, he not com' back lak' my fadder." "Your man!" cried Chloe in astonishment. "Do you mean you are married? Why, you are nothing but a child!" The girl regarded her gravely. "Yes," she answered, "I'm marry. Two years ago I git marry, up on de Anderson Reever. My man, heem free-trader, an' all summer we got plent' to eat.

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