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The thag had covered considerable ground from the point at which I had leaped upon him. When, after despatching him, I looked back for Dian, I could see nothing of her. I called aloud, but receiving no reply, set out at a brisk trot to where I had left her. I had no difficulty in finding the self-same bush behind which we had hidden, but Dian was not there.

"Lead me to him," he said simply. Roland sneezed. "Doe accident, thag you," he replied miserably. "Somethig's gone wrong with the worgs, but it's nothing serious, worse luck." M. Feriaud, having by this time adjusted the defect in his engine, rose to his feet, and bowed. "Excuse if we come down on your lawn. But not long do we trespass.

He wanted to start right out after her, but I suggested that with Raja to help me it might be as well were he to remain and skin the thag, remove its bladder, and then return to where we had hidden the canoe on the beach. And so it was arranged that he was to do this and await me there for a reasonable time.

And to think that I was risking death to return to him purely from a sense of duty and affection! "Why, Perry!" I exclaimed, "haven't you a word for me after my long absence?" "Long absence!" he repeated in evident astonishment. "What do you mean?" "Are you crazy, Perry? Do you mean to say that you have not missed me since that time we were separated by the charging thag within the arena?"

What we sought was either a thag a sort of gigantic elk or one of the larger species of antelope, the flesh of either of which dries nicely in the sun. The bladder of the thag would make a fine water-bottle, and its skin, I figured, would be a good sail.

I was not slow in accepting his offer. First, however, we must eat. The hunters upon whom Hooja's men had fallen had brought back the meat of a great thag. There would be a feast to commemorate the victory a feast and dancing. I had never witnessed a tribal function of the brute-folk, though I had often heard strange sounds coming from the village, where I had not been allowed since my capture.

"No; we sold our tickets and got ice cream sodas," he explained. "We took turns carrying Diogenes on our backs." "You only had one ticket for yourself, and two half fares for Thag and Emmy," said Huldah suspiciously. "I thought Meetie and Di could ride free. You couldn't have sold them tickets for enough for sodies." "Rob gave us three nickels to put in the plate," said Pythagoras.

He hasn't got any tears, and old Uncle Iz didn't hurt me, because, you see, when I heard Thag getting his, I went and stuffed the Declaration of Independence, that book of stepdaddy's that Demetrius tore the pictures out of, in my pants." "Go on!" urged Rob delightedly. "What else did you all do? Uncle must have had some time. It would make a fine scenario. 'The first visit of the rich uncle."

"Why didn't you beat them?" I asked indignantly. "Because the old gent did that. He put 'em across his knee, and believe me, it was some licking they caught. They didn't let out a whimper and that pleased him." "Huh!" said Emerald. "Thag don't know how to cry.

All its efforts to rid itself of the tiger seemed futile, until in desperation it threw itself upon the ground, rolling over and over. A little of this so disconcerted the tiger, knocking its breath from it I imagine, that it lost its hold and then, quick as a cat, the great thag was up again and had buried those mighty horns deep in the tarag's abdomen, pinning him to the floor of the arena.