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"`Me sought mamma say father was far far away in other country, says you. "`That's true, says I, `but I've come home from the other country, you see, so don't you forget to call me father. "`Vewy well, fadder, says you, in your own sweet way, for you was always a biddable child, an' did what you was told without axin' questions.

"I will fink," she said, dropping her grave eyes on the ground, and the stoicism of all the Incas seemed to be concentrated in her look and bearing at that moment, "t'ink of you as a fadder." "Good-bye," he said again. "Good-bye," she replied. He had intended to print a fatherly kiss on the little brown hand, but this parting was too much.

"Wen I'm keel you I'm got you money, anyway. But I'm ain' wan' so mooch de money. I'm wan' you heart." A dangerous glitter supplanted the smouldering glow of the black eyes. "Me I'm stay ten year in de prison, for 'cause I'm keel my own fadder, an' dat dam' good t'ing. For why I'm keel heem? 'Cause he whip me wit' de dog-whip. In de prison de guards whip me mor' as wan t'ousan' tam.

I was one of the passengers on that ill-fated ship!" "Golly, massah, yo' don't really mean dat?" And Old Ben's eyes opened widely. "Yes, I do. I suspected it before; now I am dead certain of it." At this declaration Old Ben grew quite excited. "And did yo' know Massah Jack's fadder, sah?" "Yes, my man, I knew him very well," and there was a significant smile on the doctor's face as he spoke.

"An' you won't cry?" "I'll try not to." "Come 'long, den, wid me, an' see you' poor fadder." On the afternoon of the day in which Peter the Great paid his visit to Hester Sommers in the little boudoir, Ben-Ahmed sent for George Foster and bade him make a portrait of a favourite dog.

We neber stopt any more till we got to de mouth of Cole's Creek. Dare de fadder of Miss Alice's fadder stopt, and said he would stay dare. Ole massa seed an Injun dat tole him ob dis place and dey started true de cane, dey was gone long time, but when dey comed back, ole massa got us all ready and away we went and neber stopt till we comed to the mouth of St. Catharine's, right ober dar.

Some ob de boats hab hogs on 'em, some hosses, some cows, some niggers, some corn and meat, and some de white families. Dar was boff de grandfadder ob Miss Alice, and her fadder. He was small, not grown, and old massa, her modder's fadder, was young wid young wife, but dey all made him captain.

Many years ago he com' in de beeg boat dat com' for ketch de whale an' got lock in de ice in de Bufort Sea. In de spring de boat go 'way, an' my fadder go 'long, too. He tell my modder he com' back nex' winter. Dat many years ago nineteen years. Many boats com' every year, but my fadder no com' back.

MacNair nodded, and before he could reply the Indian stepped close to his side and placed a withered hand upon his arm. "Me, I'm lak' y'u fadder," he said; "y'u lak' my own son. Y'u follow de trail of Lapierre. Y'u tak' de white kloochman away from Lapierre, an' den, by gar, when y'u got her y'u ke'p her. Dat kloochman, him damn fine 'oman!"

"I haf got some musics py mine drunk in too," said Hans. "What have you got, Hansy?" asked Sam "a tin whistle?" "No, a music pox vot mine fadder brought from Chermany. He vos a fine pox, too, I can told you." "That's splendid, Hans," said Dora. "I love a good music box." So the talk ran on until there was a knock at the door and Aleck appeared.