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That will break the squareness, and make the room look like a tent, with a ceiling of flowers." "Ah-h!" cried Rosalind; and clasped her hands with a gesture of relief. "Of course! The vewy thing! We ought to have thought of it at the beginning. Get the ladder at once, Jackson, and put in a hook or wing, or something to hold the ends; and be sure that it is strong enough.

Was she thinking of that brother on whom the Scotch mist was falling so remorselessly? The Seraph was speaking. "It's a vewy bad fing to be dead," he was saying reminiscently , "you can't eat, you can't dwink, an' you jus' fly awound lookin' for somefing to light on!" I trembled for him, but Mrs. Handsomebody, lost in thought, gave no heed to him. At last she raised her eyes.

"Oh, fank you, Mister Colonel," Hammy was saying, with shining eyes of rapture fixed upon the glorious ones; "and is they weally my own, my vewy own, for good?" "Yours and Berta's, really and for good." "And won't you" Hammy's magnificent effort at disinterestedness brought the tears into his eyes "won't you want vem to play wif, ever yourself?"

Mellicent is here to-night; she is staying with us at the hotel." "You don't mean it! Mellicent Asplin here! How extwaordinary it seems!" Rosalind gave a chilly little laugh, and tilted her chin in the air. "You are vewy couwageous, Mawiquita. I should never have dared such an experiment. The Asplins are charming in the country, but they seem out of place in town. And your first season too!

Twining glanced over it, and remarked, "This is your writing, Western;" then taking Charlie's letter from the desk of Mr. Western, he asked, in a doubting tone, "Is this your own writing and composition?" "My own writing and composing," answered Charlie. "And it is vewy cweditable to you, indeed," said Mr. Western.

"Weally, gentlemen," drawled Wyatt, looking at his watch, "I shall be fowced to leave you. I have an engagement at eleven, and I weally feah ouah Mr. Townshend will be, as I might say, hors de combat foh the night. I have to thawnk you fow a vewy agweeable evening, nevahtheless." He was carelessly sweeping the money into his pocket when Mitchell, his partner, checked him.

The Seraph's look of pity deepened to horror. "You must be almost weady," he gasped. "Ready? Ready for what, my little love?" "Stickin' oo, will it hurt vewy much?" "Bless the child. What does he mean?" "He's not very well," I explained. "I think he's delirious."

I will excuse you now." We found The Seraph lounging in a chair in the schoolroom. "Too bad about the dumpling, old boy," I said consolingly. "Oh, not too bad," he replied. "Mary Ellen fetched it up the backstairs to me. I'm vewy full." That afternoon we saw Captain Pegg go for a walk with his son and daughter-in-law. He looked quite altered in a long grey coat and tall hat. Mr. and Mrs.

He speaks vewy highly of your intelligence, persevewance, zeal, and couwage, and I ah may say that er I have myself noted fwom time to time your possession of those ah desiwable chawactewistics.

"And yet I feel inclined to say 'When is it going to begin? I haven't been fed; I haven't drank in anything. Yes, I warned you I should be quite candid. And there's my verdict. I am sorry. Me vewy sowwy! But you played it, I am sure, beautifully, Georgino; you were a buono avvocato; you said all that could be said for your client. Shall I open this note before we discuss it more fully?