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Will was in a meditative frame of mind, and had stood there gazing dreamily down for nearly half an hour, when his elbow was touched by the man named Bunco, who had long before recovered from his exposure in the canoe.

"What might your line be, guvnor?" he asked as he set down his glass. "Oh, anything that's going," I replied carelessly. "City work is rather my specialty." "I know!" Mr. Moss exclaimed quickly. "Slap-up offices; thousands of letters a day full of postal orders; shutters up suddenly and bunco! Fine appearance for the job!" he added admiringly. Eve sat down and began to laugh softly to herself.

At that moment, as if it were aware of the climax at which the party had arrived, the baby, without a single note of warning, set up a hideous howl, in the midst of which the bell rang, and Maryann rose to answer it. "Master Will wants to speak to you, Mr Hale, and to Mr Bunco, too," she said on returning. "Come along, Mister Bunco," said Larry, "that'll be the order to trip our anchors."

By this time we were deep in the shadow of another doorway across the street, and Godfrey leaned back against a pillar and mused for a moment. "Of course," he said at last, "I don't want you to do anything unprofessional, Lester, but I really think you'd better tell me. You didn't hesitate to call me in this morning." "I thought then that somebody was trying to bunco Mrs. Magnus."

"Sure yer face is a sight for sore eyes, though it is black and ugly," exclaimed Larry, as he wrung the hand of the good-humoured native, who grinned from ear to ear with delight at having found his friends. "Wot ever brought ye here?" inquired Muggins. "Mine legses," replied Bunco, with a twinkle in his coal-black eyes.

You an' me is legitimate prospectors an' practical gold-miners. But when it comes to fi-nance we're sure the fattest suckers that ever fell for the get-rich-quick bunco. After this it's you an' me for the high rocks an' tall timber, an' if you ever mention eggs to me we dissolve pardnership there an' then. Get me?"

But I didn't find out what she was until this evening, when I returned Keok's music machine to their cabin. I've been trying to make up my mind what to do ever since. If she was only making her get-away from the States, a pickpocket, a coiner, somebody's bunco pigeon chased by the police almost anything we could forgive her. Even if she'd shot up somebody " He made a gesture of despair.

"Oh yis, wees will," replied Bunco, with a quiet smile. "No, wees won't, ye lump o' mahogany," retorted Muggins. "Don't the coast run nor' and by west here away?" "Troo," assented Bunco with a nod.

"Didn't I tell ye, Bunco, that the order would soon be up anchor an' away again! It's Wanderin' Will he's been named, an' Wanderin' Will he'll remain, that's as plain as the nose on me face."

I was a hobo then and you told me to go to hell, but now when you see I've got eight hundred dollars you're trying to bunco me out of it. I know who you are, I've heard the boys tell about you you're one of these blue-bellied Yankees that try to make a living swapping jack-knives. You got your name from that Bunker Hill monument and they shortened it down to Bunk.