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"Well, of your not yourselves being so and of YOUR not in particular. I haven't the least doubt in the world, par exemple, that she thinks you too meek." "Oh, she thinks me too meek?" "And she had been sent for, on the very face of it, to work right in. All she had to do, after all, was to be nice to you." "To a ME?" said Adam Verver.

Desmond remarked, handing her empty cup across to his wife. Quita laughed. "You are incorrigible!" said she. "But there is still this to think of. With your friends coming and going, how am I to be . . accounted for till I have seen . . Eldred? If I am Miss Maurice, par exemple, what am I doing in Dera Ishmael? And if not . . ? Mon Dieu, but it's an ignominious tangle.

Of course you know Napoleon's estimate of Mezzofante; he sent for the linguist from motives of curiosity, and after some discourse with him, told him that he might depart; then turning to some of his generals, he observed: 'Nous avons eu ici un exemple qu'un homme peut avoir beaucoup de paroles avec bien peu d'esprit'."

Son ouvrage contient des détails précieux pour le géographe; il y en a même quelques uns pour l'antiquaire et l'historien: tels par exemple, que sa description d'un marais salant, et l'anecdote des livres Sibyllins brûlés

"And will you then allow us no actors of merit?" asked Vincent. "Mais oui! dans le genre comique, par exemple, votre buffo Kean met dix fois plus d'esprit et de drollerie dans ses roles que La Porte." "The impartial and profound judgment of Madame admits of no further discussion on this point," said I. "What does she think of the present state of our dramatic literature?"

People with that temperament who don't use hair-dye must have grit. His son's awful." "And his poems?" "Very crude, very faulty, very shy, but the real thing. But he'll never publish anything again. It must have been torture to him to reveal as much as he did in that book. He must find others to express him, and such as him, to the world." "Lady Holmes?" "Par exemple.

She laughed at him again and threw out her arms toward the moonlit sea. "What a night for the moralities for the ashes of repentance! I ask a man into the rose-garden to make love to me and he preaches to me instead preaches to me! of the world, the flesh and the devil, par exemple! Was ever a pretty woman in a more humiliating position!"

It is all very well for Mademoiselle Susan, but you are not created for a religieuse. And again, it pleases you to spend hours with the stockbroker, who is as lacking in esprit as the bull of Joshua. He is no companion for you." "I am afraid," she said reprovingly, "that you do not understand Mr. Spence." "Par exemple!" cried the Vicomte; "have I not seen hundreds' like him?

I only know three phrases of English, and a few words: par exemple, de sonn, de mone, de stares est-ce bien dit? My opinion is that it would be better to give up the thing altogether: to have no English examination, eh?" "If Madame consents, I consent." "Heartily?" "Very heartily." He smoked his cigar in silence. He turned suddenly.

"Now I come to your father, mon enfant, and I promise you I will be as delicate as I may. Do you know, par exemple, how Colonel Boyce is in the mouths of gentlemen?" "Oh, sir, that's another of the matters for which I care nothing." "Tenez donc. You were born old, I think. Well, Colonel Boyce has been in some few plots, devices, and manoeuvres. No man ever denied him wit, nor will I, mordieu.