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"I s'pose some on 'em ain't very comf'able with them drill-sergeants shoots theirselves in barracks sometimes. Yer see, when a man 'lists, he can't pitch it up again and say `I've had enough of this." "No, they're 'bliged to stick to it," said Smiler, "'less someun buys 'em out.

"Ez I was sayin'," continued Nott, once more pressing the excited man down in his chair, "I might hev wiped ye out and mebbee ye wouldn't hev keered or YOU might hev wiped ME out, and I mout hev said, 'Thank'ee, but I reckon this ain't a case for what's comf'able for you and me. It's what's good for ROSEY. And the thing to kalkilate is, what's to be done."

The American passenger did not, however, appear in the least put out or more than ordinarily impressed with the gravity of the situation, taking it, as it were, as a matter of course. "It's no use making a muss over what can't be helped," he said with the utmost sang-froid. "The ship's in good hands, and as I can't do anything, why I guess I'll let things ride and be as comf'able as I ken."

Don't go a-thinkin' you can lick the hull rebel army at the start, because yeh can't. Yer jest one little feller amongst a hull lot of others, and yeh've got to keep quiet an' do what they tell yeh. I know how you are, Henry. "I've knet yeh eight pair of socks, Henry, and I've put in all yer best shirts, because I want my boy to be jest as warm and comf'able as anybody in the army.

"Because we must have our hands free to use our weapons," I replied. "True, my lad," he said, "and we might have to drop and not recover them." "They'll be no end of a bother for the ladies, Mas'r Harry," said Tom. "Lookye here: they sticks 'll ride as comf'able as can be atop of the gold bags. Why not have 'em here?"

I reckon I won't trouble you any more to-night onless you and me takes another sociable drink together in the bar. No? Well, then, good-night." He moved slowly towards the door. With his hand on the lock he added: "Ef yer writin' to her agin, you might say ez how you found ME lookin' well and comf'able, and hopin' she's enjyin' the same blessin'. 'So long."

"Thou darsen't for thy life go near a court with me, and the first clerk who tries to put me out, danged if I don't pound half the life out of him and thee. I'm stayin' here comf'able until I get my money."

You walks up and takes yer chice; leastways, you makes it: somebody else takes it. Mat. Wouldn't you like to take your choice sometimes, Bill? Bill. In course I would. Mat. Then why don't you work, and better yourself a bit? Bill. Bless you, Mattie! myself is werry comf'able. He never complains. Mat. You're hungry sometimes, ain't you? Bill. Most remarkable 'ungry, Mattie this werry moment.

Three of them "was took" by scarlet fever, then one of a "decline," then one or two by other illnesses. Only four reached man and womanhood. One had gone to Australia, but he never was one to write, and after a year or two, Betty gathered, he had seemed to melt away into the great distance. Two girls had married, and Mrs. Welden could not say they had been "comf'able."

Well, then! there ain't gold enough in all Californy to make me let you go. You hear me; so drop that. I've TOOK you, and TOOK ye'll remain until I land you in Sacramento jail. I don't want to kill you, though your life's forfeit a dozen times over, and I reckon you don't care for it either way, but if you try any tricks on me I may have to MAIM ye to make you come along comf'able and easy.