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Updated: August 2, 2024

De free slaves had land effen dey knowed what to do with. I got married in the south to Richar Williams but I didn have no big weddin. I had an old preacher what knowed all bout de Bible, who married me. He was a good preacher. I was de mothah of eight chillun." "Lincoln? Well I tell you I doan know. I didn have no thought about him but I seed him.

Tom took one hand out of his pocket and ruffled his hair with it, and then put it back again. "Your young mistresses now," he suggested, "I suppose they are about such things as their mothers made for them." "Lordy, dey's a heap finer, Mars' D'Willerby a heap finer! Dey wus rich folks' chillun, but dey never hed sich a settin' out as dis yere not one on 'em."

"One song I lack'd best ob all wuz, 'Mah ole Mammy ez De'd en Gon', 'Let me Sit B'neath de Willow Tree. Don't member uther songs now." INTERVIEW Sylvia Watkins 411 14th Avenue N. Nashville, Tennessee. I'se said ter be 91 y'ars ole. I wuz young w'en de War wuz goin' on. I wuz bawn in Bedford County. Mah mammy wuz named Mariah. She had six chillun by mah daddy en three by her fust husband.

"My mother was the mother of twelve chillun she was a fast breeder. "I was the onliest girl and old missis was just wild about me. I had good owners. I don't remember no hard treatment among 'em. "I 'member she used to have me runnin' from house to house totin' a little note. That's the reason I had such a good time. Heap of times I slept up at the big house with old missis. "I got a good memory.

"It will do very well," remarked Mr. Rabbit, "but you'll hear nicer songs by the time you are as old as I am." "Dem ar white chillun done mighty well," said Drusilla, "but I don't like de way dat ar nigger gal hilt her head." "Do they have to stay in the looking-glass?" asked Buster John. "If they do I'm sorry for them." "I ain't sorry fer dat black gal," said Drusilla spitefully.

My mother's name wuz Sally. She wuz a colored woman and she died when I wuz a little infant. I don't remember her. She had four chillun by my father who wuz a white man. His name wuz Jack Rose. He made caskets for de dead people. My mother had six chillun altogether. De name of de four by my father wuz, Frances de oldest sister, Sarah wuz next, den Mary. I am de baby, all three are dead cept me.

Den he called de old doctor woman an' made 'er give 'em ever' one a dose o' medicine. Dey didn' a one of' em git sick. "Marster an' Old Mis' had five chillun. Dey is all dead an' gone now, an' I's still here. One o' his sons was a Supreme Judge 'fore he died. "My folks was sho' quality. Marster bought all de little places 'roun' us so he wouldn' have no po' white trash neighbors. Yes sir!

"I don't know whether the white folks was good or not, we hardly ever saw 'em. Had a old woman that cooked for the chillun at the quarters. I ricollect they had a big old kittle and she'd cook that full of somethin'. I know the old lady give us plenty of somethin' to eat. "All the white folks didn't treat their hands mean. Some of 'em was a fool 'bout them little niggers.

Den de front do' flewed open, an' here come dat po' white trash rapscallion wid de pine knot in his han'. Yas, seh. He " "One moment!" snapped the General. "Was he running towards his troop or away from it?" "Way fr'm it, seh," replied the old negro, with unmistakable truthfulness, "t'odes de ice house whar Miss Hallie an' de chillun was at. Yas, seh." "And Mr. Morrison tried to stop him?"

"We don't know; our young massa got to frettin', an' ole massa gib us to him and some money, an' tole him to go. We lef' three bigger chillun behin'; never 'spects to see 'em ag'in; I wish he'd buy a plantation somewhar, so we could go to work; 'pears like thar's no comfort for us poor people, only when we's got work, an' stops studyin' so much."

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