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My classes were always crowded, but there were times when the purses of my students were more lean than their bodies. Frequently such an one looked at me and said, "Moneys have all flewed away from my pockets. Only have vast consuming fire for learning."

'O papa! he cried; 'a great big puddle flewed up and hit me." He stopped and waited for me to join him in his infernal glee. "I don't see any laugh in it," I said shortly, and I know my face went sour.

"Then coins jest disappeared took wings and flewed away," declared Marty with much earnestness. "What was they wuth?" asked his father, practically. "Dunno. A lot of money. Some says two thousand and some says five thousand. Whichever it is, they'll put him under big bail if they arrest him." "Why, they wouldn't dare!" gasped Mrs. Day. "Say!

He did not quite mean to let go, but he did it, and immediately he was borne across the room. 'I flewed! he screamed while still in mid-air. John let go and met Wendy near the bathroom. 'Oh, lovely! 'Oh, ripping! 'Look at me! 'Look at me! 'Look at me!

"Yas, mar'm" chuckled the old man. "I had to be. I never would a-got him! Oh, I's tellin' de trufe, Miss Hallie. Dis' here ol' sinner tooken flewed off a boat what was comin' up de river. Yas'm. And he sure was old enough to know better." "And you saw him fly off the boat?" "Oh, yas'm. I seed him. I seed him," and Uncle Billy floundered for a moment, caught in his own trap.

An' dey all laft an' flopped dey wings; an' sez dey, 'Good-bye ter yer, Sis Nancy Jane O. I hope yer'll enjoy yerse'f, sez dey; an' den dey riz up an' stretched out dey wings, an' away dey flewed.

He did not quite mean to let go, but he did it, and immediately he was borne across the room. "I flewed!" he screamed while still in mid-air. John let go and met Wendy near the bathroom. "Oh, lovely!" "Oh, ripping!" "Look at me!" "Look at me!" "Look at me!"

"So little Mose flewed, en flewed, en flewed away, 'tel bimeby he got ter de place whar Sis' Becky b'longed. He seed his mammy wukkin' roun' de ya'd, en he could tell fum lookin' at her dat she wuz trouble' in her min' 'bout sump'n, en feelin' kin' er po'ly. Sis' Becky heared sump'n hummin' roun' en roun' her, sweet en low.

En w'en he flewed away 'long late in de ebenin', des 'fo' sundown, Sis' Becky felt mo' better 'n she had sence she had heared dat hummin'-bird a week er so pas'. En dat night she dremp 'bout ole times ag'in, des lack she did befo'.

"So de hawnet flewed up ter Kunnel Pen'leton's stable en stung Lightnin' Bug roun' de laigs, en de nex' mawnin' Lightnin' Bug's knees wuz all swoll' up, twice't ez big ez dey oughter be. W'en Kunnel Pen'leton went out ter de stable en see de hoss's laigs, hit would 'a' des made you trimble lack a leaf fer ter heah him cuss dat hoss trader.

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