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Now yereafter, never let your imagination pull its picket-pin that a- way, an' go to cavortin' 'round permiscus don't go romancin' off on any of them ghost round-ups you're addicted to. Thar's the whole groosome myst'ry laid b'ar; them pups merely smells things they can't locate, an' it frets 'em.

"Not a bit nor be the same towken do I think they saw me." "How did you and Shasta meet?" "That was shtrange, was the same. After I found I was cl'ar of the varmints, from the raisin that their exclusive attention was occupied by the b'ar, I stopped and went to thinking did I. I could saa the great necessity of our having me own canoe and I went back to whom I left the same.

"Hark!" suddenly cried Tom. "What sort of a yelping is that?" All listened. "Wolves!" answered John Barrow. "There must be quite a pack of 'em, too." "I suppose they get pretty hungry when there is such a deep snow," said Tom. "They do. More'n likely some of 'em have scented our b'ar meat and they want some." "If they are heading for camp, they'll give Jasper Grinder trouble," put in Sam.

W'ile he wuz a fixin' up a tale fer Brer Fox, he hear a lumberin' down de road, en present'y yer cum ole Brer B'ar amblin' 'long fum whar he bin takin' a bee-tree. Brer Rabbit, he hail 'im: "'Howdy, Brer B'ar! "Brer B'ar, he look 'roun en bimeby he see Brer Rabbit swingin' fum de saplin', en he holler out: "'Heyo, Brer Rabbit! How you come on dis mawnin'?

They're as good as a bank account, them claws be, an' entitles said party to credit in dance hall, bar room an' store, by merely slammin' 'em on the counter. "At that time the grizzly b'ar has courage. Whyever does he have it, you asks? Because you couldn't stop him; he's out of hoomanity's reach a sort o' Alexander Selkirk of a b'ar, an' you couldn't win from him.

But Brer Rabbit, he done 'termin' fer ter see some fun, en w'iles all dis 'uz gwine on, he run 'roun' ter Brer B'ar house, en holler en tell 'im w'ich dey wuz somebody 'stroyin' un his 'simmons, en Brer B'ar, he hustle off fer ter ketch 'im.

Here, Jim, grab his hind legs. Mr. Elliott, fetch that handspike from over thar in the corner." Jim seized the dog's legs and Tom brought the big stick. "Shall I mash his head with it, sir?" "No. Put it across his neck and then I'll b'ar down on one end an' you on the other an' with a twist Jim kin break his neck. Thar, we air gittin' him."

'I don't want you-all gents, says the Major, 'to go deemin' hard of this innocent b'ar, for whatever fault thar is, is mine. Since Texas Thompson picks up that dollar, this thing is made plain. What I takes for gratooitous wickedness on Bowlaigs' part is nothin' but his efforts to execoote my desires.

"'Adios, says Peets, takin' off his hat to her; 'it ain't down on the bills none, but if you-all could manage to kiss this yere outfit once apiece, Miss, it would be regarded. You needn't be afraid. Some of 'em looks a little off, but they're all right, an' b'ar huggin' is barred. "So the little Sue girl begins with Enright an' kisses us all, a- sobbin' meantime some free.

The b'ar simply r'ars back long enough to put Andrew Jackson an' Thomas Benton into mournin', an' then goes scuttlin' off through the bushes like the grace of heaven through a camp-meetin'. As for myse'f, I lays thar; an' what between dog an' b'ar an' the fall I gets, I'm as completely a thing of the past as ever finds refooge in that strip of timber.