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And sometimes he did partially understand him; this was one of the times. "Now now now," he said, hastily, "don't you get to frettin' yourself about your not amountin' to anything and all that. You've got a nice little trade of your own buildin' up here. What more do you want? We can't all be er Know-it-alls like Shakespeare, or or rich as Standard Oil Companies, can we?

'Wot are you goin' away for? demanded Sam, seizing his father by the coat-tail. 'I never see such a undootiful boy as you, Samivel, returned Mr. Weller. 'Didn't you make a solemn promise, amountin' almost to a speeches o' wow, that you'd put that 'ere qvestion on my account?

"What?" "He air wantin' to see ye, Tessibel. Will ye go to him?" "Nope," Tess burst forth spontaneously. Myra looked at her curiously. "He ain't amountin' to much," she ventured, "but he air a pappy that air somethin', ain't it?" "Yep," mused Tessibel. "A daddy air more than a mammy." So had Tessibel and Myra been brought up to believe.

He was in a fury again, and dropped back into the old dialect "I hain't thinkin' of Miss Jane, nor nuthin' 'cept jest the place Ruth said I'd git ter fill, the man I'll make 'mongst the big men of the world! I'm the only one on airth as kin be as big as that, hain't I? Yeou hain't amountin' ter nuthin', air ye? Why shouldn't ye take my place afore the law?

Bob Marrot was wont to say of her, in after years, that, "if it had bin his mother who had lost an arm instead of Will Garvie, he was convinced that her firmness, amountin' a'most to obstinacy, of purpose, would have enabled her to grow on a noo arm as good as the old 'un, if not better." We need scarcely add that Bob was an irreverent scamp!

"What's them?" inquired the Cap'n, as though he hoped that he might at least have these tenants on his worthless acres. "Woods names for things that there ain't none of," vouchsafed Mr. Crowther. "You owe me for twenty-two days' work, nine shillin's a day, amountin' to " "Here! Take that and shut up!" barked the Cap'n, shoving bills at him. Then he wagged a stubby finger under Mr. Crowther's nose.

According to the official statement which I quoted before, 'we, that is, the Bank directors, 'lent money by every possible means, and in modes which we had never adopted before; we took in stock on security, we purchased Exchequer Bills, we made advances on Exchequer Bills, we not only discounted outright, but we made advances on deposits of bills of Exchange to an immense amountin short, by every possible means consistent with the safety of the Bank. And for the complete and courageous adoption of this policy at the last moment the directors of the Bank of England at that time deserve great praise, for the subject was then less understood even than it is now; but the directors of the Bank deserve also severe censure, for previously choosing a contrary policy; for being reluctant to adopt the new one; and for at last adopting it only at the request of, and upon a joint responsibility with, the Executive Government.

Murk asked. "I don't seem to be amountin' to much in this game. I'd like to be in action, I would! Can't I take a hand?" "As soon as possible," Prale told him. "Remember, Farland said he wanted you to help him later." "I'd rather help you or work alone," Murk said. "I reckon he is pretty decent for a detective, but I don't put much stock in any of 'em."

"'He said that, did he? says Dave. "'Amountin' to that, says Smith. "'Wa'al, says Dave, 'it's a good many years sence I see 'Lish, an' mebbe you know him better 'n I do. You known him some time, eh? "'Quite a number o' years, says Smith. "'What sort of a feller was he, says Dave, 'when he was somebody?

"He had two more meals that day and at bedtime I had his checks amountin' to ninety-five dollars. The fog stayed with us all the time and nobody come to pick us up. And the next mornin's outlook was just as bad, bein' a drizzlin' rain and a high wind. The mainland beach was in sight but that's all except salt water and rain.