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Updated: August 29, 2024

Persius 1, 9 istud vivere; 1, 122 hoc ridere meum. SI: 'even if', 'granting that'. BONA AETAS: 'the good time of life', i.e. youth. Tischer qu. Varro de Re Rustica 2, 6, 2 mares feminaeque bona aetate = 'young'. For bona aetas = homines bona aetate cf. n. on 26 senectus. UT DIXIMUS: not expressly, but the opinion is implied in 44, 45.

At tu Cæsar profecto non parum laudandus es; qui in hac aetate tam facile senem agis. Perge nostri temporis Borgiæ familiæ spes et decus. Introduction to the Syllabica. Rome, 1488. Gennarelli's Edition of Burchard's Diary. Regarding Cæsar's studies at Pisa, see Angelo Fabroni, Hist. Acad. Pisan. i, 160, 201.

QUASI TITILLATIO: the quasi, as often in Cicero's writings, marks a translation from the Greek. Here the Epicurean word γαργαλισμος is referred to; it is often in Cic. represented by titillatio; cf. N.D. 1, 113; Fin. 1, 39; Tusc. 3, 47. BENE: sc. dixit. AFFECTO AETATE: 'wrought on by age'. Cf. De Or. 1, 200 in eius infirmissima valetudine affectaque iam aetate.

'Maybe on the back? said she. And so she unhung it, and there, true enough, not on the back of the drawing, but of the frame, which was just as good, in pen-and-ink round Italian letters, hardly distinguishable now from the discoloured wood, we traced 'Silas Aylmer Ruthyn, AEtate viii. 15 May, 1779. 'It is very odd I should not have been told or remembered who it was.

"Cum semper natura, tum etiam aetate jam quietus;" Cicero, De Petit. and if they sometimes lash out upon some rude and sensible impression, 'tis in truth without my advice. I wish them all imaginable good; and assuredly had occasion been, there is nothing I would have spared for their service; I did for them as I would have done for myself.

VESTRA AETATE: = eis qui sunt vestra aetate. Cf. n. on 26 senectus. SERMONIS ... SUSTULIT: notice the indicatives auxit, sustulit, the relative clauses being attributive, though they might fairly have been expected here to be causal. In this passage Cic. imitates Plato, Rep. 328 D. BELLUM INDICERE: common in the metaphorical sense; e.g.

In his time there were nine members; later the number was increased. ANTECEDIT: sc. alios. SENTENTIAE PRINCIPATUM: 'precedence in debate'. Meissner quotes Verr. 4, 142 ut quisque aetate et honore antecedit, ita primus solet sua sponte dicere itaque a ceteris ei conceditur. HONORE: i.e. as regards office, past or present. QUI ... SUNT: actual praetors or consuls. COMPARANDAE: n. on 50.

He was the only person to whom that rank was due; his right could not and does not seem to have been questioned. The Chronicle of Croyland corroborates my opinion, saying, "Accepitque dictus Ricardus dux Glocestriae ilium solennem magistratum, qui duci Humfrido Glocestriae, stante minore aetate regis Henrici, ut regni protector appellaretur, olim contingebat.

For what concerns oracles, it is certain that a good while before the coming of Jesus Christ they had begun to lose their credit; for we see that Cicero troubled to find out the cause of their decay, and he has these words: "Cur isto modo jam oracula Delphis non eduntur, non modo nostro aetate, sed jam diu; ut nihil possit esse contemptius?"

Nam si id culpa senectutis accideret, eadem mihi usu venirent reliquisque omnibus maioribus natu, quorum ego multorum cognovi senectutem sine querella, qui se et libidinum vinculis laxatos esse non moleste ferrent nec a suis despicerentur. Sed omnium istius modi querellarum in moribus est culpa, non in aetate.

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