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Updated: September 21, 2024

He tells us Sabinus served the State for five and thirty years with great distinction at home and abroad, and was of unquestionable integrity, but adds jestingly "he talked too much." "Quinque et triginta stipendia in republica fecerat, domi militiaeque clarus; innocentiam justitiamque ejus non argueret: sermonis nimium erat."

While we have lent this and other words, political and industrial for the most part, to the French and Germans, it would not be less instructive, if time allowed, to trace our corresponding obligations to them. And scarcely less significant and instructive than the presence of a word in a language, will be occasionally its absence. Idque in sermonis nostri consuetudine perlate patet.

In quibus locis sermonis proprietas colligi potest tum ex aequiparatione, nam cum dicitur: sex diebus operabis, propriissime intelligitur: tum quia non est verisimile, potuisse populum intelligere verba illa in alio sensu, et e contrario incredibile est, Deum in suis praeceptis tradendis illis verbis ad populum fuisse loquutum, quibus deciperetur, falsum sensum concipiendo, si Deus non per sex veros dies opera sua fecisset."

But this is hardly worth mentioning, for it is clear that there is, generally speaking, a mode of spelling the English language which is followed by all well-educated persons; and as, according to Quintilian, the consensus eruditorum forms the consuetudo sermonis, so this usage of spelling, adopted by general consent of the learned, becomes a law in the republic of literature.

So also Caius Caesar: Tu quoque tu in summis, O dimidiate Menander, Poneris, et merito, puri sermonis amator, Lenibus atque utinam scriptis adjuncta foret vis Comica, ut aequato virtus polleret honore Cum Graecis, neque in hoc despectus parte jaceres! Unum hoc maceror, et doleo tibi deesse, Terenti.

What a contrast all this to the indefeasible majesty of Charlemagne to his courage and presence of mind, which always rose with the occasion, and, above all, to his promptitude of winning eloquence, that promptum ac praftuens genus sermonis, which caused him to be accounted evi sui eloquentissimus!

VESTRA AETATE: = eis qui sunt vestra aetate. Cf. n. on 26 senectus. SERMONIS ... SUSTULIT: notice the indicatives auxit, sustulit, the relative clauses being attributive, though they might fairly have been expected here to be causal. In this passage Cic. imitates Plato, Rep. 328 D. BELLUM INDICERE: common in the metaphorical sense; e.g.

Ib. p. 415. 'Exclamans quod se Deus reliquisset, &c. Habes ipsum exclamantem in passione, Deus meus, Deus meus, ut quid me dereliquisti? Sed hæc vox carnis et animæ, id est, hominis; nec Sermonis, nec Spiritus', &c. Tertull. Adv. Prax. c. 26. c. 30.

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