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Updated: December 8, 2024

The pronoun eumpse is the subject of the infinitive sentire, but the substantive, senex, to which the pronoun refers, is not expressed. ODIOSUM: cf. n. on 4. IUCUNDUM ... ODIOSUM: elliptic, = 'iucundum' potius quam 'odiosum' senem esse dicendum est. UT ... DELECTANTUR: cf. Lael. 101; also below, 29.

NIL QUICQUAM: see n. on 21 quemquam senem, cf. the common expression nemo homo, 84 nemo vir, etc. where two substantival words are placed side by side. VITI: see n. on 1, l 3 praemi Viti here = mali; cf. Ter. Andr. 73 ei vereor ne quid Andria adportet mali. SAT EST: sat for satis in Cicero's time was old-fashioned and poetical. QUOD DIU: these words must be scanned as a spondee.

"We all grow timid and cautious as we get old, Mr. Penhallow." Then turning round to the young man, he slowly repeated the lines, "'Multa senem circumveniunt incommoda, vel quod Quaerit et inventis miser abstinet, ac timet uti; Vel quod res omnes timide, gelideque ministrat' "You remember the passage, Mr. Bradshaw?"

Here translate 'I refresh my memory of the dead'. QUEMQUAM SENEM: the best writers do not use quisquam as an adjective, but there is no need to alter senem into senum as some editors do, since senem is a substitute for a clause cum senex esset; 'I never heard that anybody because he was an old man .... Senes must be so taken in 22, since pontifices etc. cannot stand as adjectives.

And in strict conformity with these obvious distinctions, it will be found that, so far as we are able to reduce scientific men of anti-Catholic opinions to the type of the imaginary bookworm to whom I have been alluding, we do actually use them in our schools. Vix defessa senem passus componere membra, Cum clamore ruit magno, manicisque jacentem Occupat.

Deinde Pullus Aquilæ nidificabit in summa rupe totius Britanniæ: nec juvenis occidet, nec ad senem vivet. This, in an old copy, is Englished thus: 'After then, shall come through the south with the sun, on horse of tree, and upon all waves of the sea, the Chicken of the Eagle, sailing into Britain, and arriving anon to the house of the Eagle, he shall shew fellowship to them beasts.

God had appointed water of expiation to be used by the Jews, Numbers XIX. Lustral water used to be sprinkled also by the Pagans; Terque senem flamma, ter aqua, ter sulphure purget. Ov. Met. l. 7. Anastasius says that Alexander I, who was Pope in 108 "appointed that water for sprinkling should be blessed with salt in private houses." It is mentioned also in the apostolic constitutions.

The Loves of the Fauns buffeting wind and kissing rain! These shy brown girls who peered at me from between the trees; these musing shepherd lads calling them upon oaten pipes "Panaque, Silvanumque senem, nymphasque sorores." I saw them, I saw them! I walked fast! my feet raced with my thoughts. My heart was beating, my blood was hot, my inclinations were pastoral, but enthusiastic.

At tu Cæsar profecto non parum laudandus es; qui in hac aetate tam facile senem agis. Perge nostri temporis Borgiæ familiæ spes et decus. Introduction to the Syllabica. Rome, 1488. Gennarelli's Edition of Burchard's Diary. Regarding Cæsar's studies at Pisa, see Angelo Fabroni, Hist. Acad. Pisan. i, 160, 201.

Ut enim adulescentem in quo est senile aliquid, sic senem in quo est aliquid adulescentis probo, quod qui sequitur, corpore senex esse poterit, animo numquam erit.

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