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He never opened his mouth atter he says "howdy" Jeb never does say nothin'; Jeb's one o' them fellers whut hides thar lack o' brains by a-lookin' solemn an' a-keepin' still, but thar don't nobody say much tell the ole folks air gone to bed, an' Polly Ann jes 'lowed Jeb was a-waitin'. Fact is, stranger, Abe Shivers had got Jeb a leetle disguised by liquer, an' he did look fat an' sassy, ef he couldn't talk, a-settin' over in the corner a-plunkin' the banjer an' a-knockin' off "Sour-wood Mountain" an' "Jinny git aroun'" an' "Soapsuds over the Fence."

They wouldn't none of them give him nothin'. Leastways, thet's what they said after he'd gone out. He didn't give anybody a reel chance to say anythin'. I was in Leonard and Call's and he came in an' asked for a job, but the minute Len looked at him he turned right round and slunk out without a-waitin' for Len to say a word." Hiram smoked in huge enjoyment of the retrospect.

De cotton hits a-greenin' in de furrer, An' honey I'se a-waitin' at de door! "Did I tole you dat I know'd whar dere's a possum? Did I tole you dat I know'd whar dere's a coon? Oh, mah lady, come out soon! Oh, mah honey, come out soon! While de Mocker, while de Mocker Am a-singin' to de moon!"

As for Hephzy she was in the dingy front hall already. "Shall we go up?" I asked, impatiently. "Of COURSE you're to go hup. She's a-waitin' for you. But sir sir," she caught my sleeve; "if you think she's goin' to be ill and needin' the doctor, just pass the word to me. A doctor she shall 'ave, the best there is in London. All I ask you is to pay " I heard no more.

"I could set him on th' best runways, 'n' Erne 'n' me could dog th' bush till our tongues hung out 'n' we could hardly open our mouths 'thout barkin'; could run deer past him till it must 'a looked if he'd had a loose look about him like a Gracefield habitaw weddin' pr'cession, 'n' thar he'd set with his eyes fast on th' end o' his gun, I guess, a-waitin' for a sign of a bite 'fore he'd jerk her up to try 'n' get somethin'. 'N' the queerest part was, he seemed to enjoy it just 's much 's if he'd brought down a three-hundred-pound buck to drag the wind out o' Erne 'n' me at th' end o' a tump-line.

It war a call fur men ter look higher ter whar thar is melodies too solemn 'nd sweet fur ther dull ears uv poor mortality ter hear, ter whar ez picters too fair fur our darkened eyes ter see, but which all august is a-waitin' fur us. "When I war sick, I thot one night I hearn Margery prayin' fur me; some uv thet music ter-night seemed like a rehearsal uv thet prayer." "Why, Mr.

"You would a-believed me if you'd seen the fellow that was just a-callin' on her, and her a-huggin' and a-kissin' of him and a-promisin' that she'd be a-waitin' for him here when he come back." "You lie!" cried Douglas, taking a step toward the retreating deacon. "There's the fellow now," cried Strong, as he pointed to the gate. "Suppose you ask him afore yer call me a liar."

So they stood thar in the road a-stare-gazin' them head-boards, like they expected every grave ter open an' the reveilly ter sound a-waitin' ter be overtook by the wagin, a-listenin', but hearin' nuthin' in the silence o' the frost not a dead leaf a-twirlin', nor a frozen blade o' grass astir.

"Well," returned the other, "roll up yer sleeves; yer job's a-waitin' fur ye."

"A preacher, riding down a ravine, came upon an old mountaineer hiding in the bushes with his rifle. "'What are you doing there, my friend? "'Ride on, stranger, was the easy answer. 'I'm a-waitin' fer Jim Johnson, and with the help of the Lawd I'm goin' to blow his damn head off." But let us never lose sight of the fact that these people, intellectually, are not living in our age.