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Updated: August 7, 2024

"There didn't nobody care about sellin' to me, but they was all after the General's trade, so they was. And now I must hurry, for my work's a-waitin' for me, and the puddin' to be learnin' besides. Would I be goin' back to live off my mother now, and her a-washin' to keep me? Indeed and I wouldn't.

"When de ker'ige come 'roun', she hed put on her bonnet, an' wuz ready. Ez she got in, she sey to me, 'Hev yo' brought him home? an' we drove 'long, I ridin' behine. "When we got home, she got out, an' walked up de big walk up to de poach by herse'f. Ole missis hed done fin' de letter in Marse Chan's pocket, wid de love in it, while I wuz 'way, an' she wuz a-waitin' on de poach.

And maybe I could stop just a minute." The old hungry light of curiosity was kindling again, brighter than ever before, in the beady little eyes. "As you was remarkin', back a stretch, you'd been a-waitin' for me to come along. Was they was they something you wanted to see me about?" The perplexed frown still furrowed Young Denny's forehead.

"Not one word do we-all wolves of Wolfville hear of the divertin' adventures of Silver Phil shootin' up his gyards an' fetchin' himse'f free ontil days after. No one in camp has got Silver Phil on his mind at all; at least if he has he deems him safe an' shore in hock, a-waitin' to be stretched.

"No," commanded the voice of Patty Cannon; "it's a-waitin' fur you, son: a good stiff bowl of apple and sugar. Him as misses his drinks yer we sets no account on." As Van Dorn and Levin pushed through the motley crowd on the little porch into the bar, where Mrs.

'Person's a-waitin', said Sam, epigrammatically. 'Does the person want me, Sam? inquired Mr. Pickwick. 'He wants you partickler; and no one else 'll do, as the devil's private secretary said ven he fetched avay Doctor Faustus, replied Mr. Weller. 'HE. Is it a gentleman? said Mr. Pickwick. 'A wery good imitation o' one, if it ain't, replied Mr. Weller. 'But this is a lady's card, said Mr.

Ain't there a table right there by the window, all a-waitin' for him an' an' " Invariably he broke off there, to peer furtively at the sun, before he whipped up his horse. "Git along!" he admonished her earnestly, then, "Git along you! Nobody believes in ghosts leastwise, I don't. But they ain't no sense nor reason in just a-killin' time on the road, neither.

Then he salaamed and passed out; and, closing the door behind him, ran like a hare down the narrow stairs. At the door Dollops rose up like the imp in a pantomime and jumped toward him. "Law, Gov'nor, I'm nigh starved a-waitin' for yer!" he said in a whisper. "Wot's the lay now? A double-quick change?

'Yes, says he: 'I be de messenger ob de Lord, an' my name is John Brown, but I don't s'pose yer ebber heern tell ob it. 'No, massa, says I, 'we don't see no powerful sight ob angels down in de rice-swamps. 'Well, keep a-watchin' an' a-waitin', says he, 'an' yer will heer from me ag'in. Wid dat de driber come up, and he tole him he guessed he wouldn't buy me dat day; and den he went away.

"Which we-alls does as Jack says; closes the games, an' then sets 'round in our chairs an' keeps quiet, a-waitin' for the infant to turn in. A half-hour later Jack appears ag'in. "'It ain't no use, gents, he says, goin' back of the bar an' gettin' a big drink; 'that child is onto us. He won't have it. You can gamble, he's fixed it up with himse'f that he ain't goin' to sleep none to-night.

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