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'Oh dear, thought Creed, 'she's full o' cold comfort. But, careful of his dignity, he answered, "I'm a-waitin' here to engage the situation. You don't think he'll attack of me with definition at this time in the mornin'?" The lame woman shrugged her shoulders. "He'll have had a drop of something," she said, "before he comes home.

"It'll be long before you make another joke like that, Gurney. Come, now, give us a song, Gurney, do; there's the cap'n's darter standin' by the foremast, a-waitin' to hear ye. Give us `Long, long ago." "Ah! that's it, give us a song," cried the men. "Come, there's a good fellow."

It was the morning after the two had dined at the Embury home, and they were breakfasting together in Stone's hotel apartment. "Well, Mr. Stone, as you know, I left Mrs, Embury's last night d'eckly after Mr. Hendricks took his deeparture. As I s'pected, there was trouble a-waitin' for him just outside the street doorway, that Hanlon chap was standing and he met up with Mr.

"Yes, sir," they answered and hastened up the broad stairway, following Violet and the two little ones. "Dere's a gemman in de parlour a-waitin' for to see you, cap'in," said a servant, coming leisurely in from the back veranda. "Ah! has he been here long?" "'Bout ten minutes, I reckon, sah." The captain hastened into the parlour and found Chester Dinsmore there.

For I see tha knows. And she tried to smile as she kissed me, and I fair broke down. "Yo' see, I was a young chap i' them days, and had seen naught o' life, let alone death, as is allus a-waitin'. She telled me as Dr.

"Maybe you think it's hard lines to have to drill all day and walk post all night, but it's a merry jest compared with burning in hell fire. I'd ruther drill and walk post all my life than find myself in the lake of brimstone and sulphur that's a-waitin' for cowards." "Tain't the drill and the walkin' post as skeers me," said Kettle, "but I ain't noways fond of guns.

For them pore yaps jes' sat there, each with his little glass thermometer in his mouth, a-waitin' and a-waitin' and never sayin' a word. Then bime-by Bud, who's a-holdin' of the watch on 'em, sings out 'Time! an' they all takes their thermometers out an' looks at 'em careful-like to see where they stand. "'Mine's ninety-nine, says one. "An' another says: "'Mine's a hundred.

But she sorted them out, commencing from the first one to answer them. "Yep, she air happy," she said positively; "awful happy. She wanted to go to her man in the sky.... He were a-waitin' for her every day, and she knowed she were a-goin' to die, 'cause 'cause she prayed every night that God'd take her and the brat." "Prayed? She prayed to die, when we all loved her so?" stammered Frederick.

But ef she had a'tempted to walk up a chu'ch aisle wid Joe an' me still onmarried well, I wush dey'd 'a' tried it! I'd 'a' been standin' befo' de pulpit a-waitin' for 'em an' I'd 'a' quoted some Scripture at 'em, too. But dey acted accordin' to law.

"He says that th' Injun village was a decoy; that he c'd tell by th' stuff, th' buffalo robes an' all, that was layin' 'round; that there was eight thousand fightin' Injuns in that part of th' country, an' that it was a safe bet that seven thousand nine hundred an' ninety-nine was layin' right in behind them hog-backs low hills a-waitin' for us. "But th' Old Man was mad.