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He told it well, modestly ascribing every thing to Dab Kinzer; but there was no good reason, in any thing he said, for one of his father's friends to inquire next morning, "Bill Lee, does you mean for to say as dem boys run down de French steamah in dat ar' boat?" "Not dat. Not zackly."

"Dat's jes 'zackly what I do mean, Cousin Nimbus no mistake 'bout dat," answered Berry, bowing towards Nimbus with a great show of mock politeness. "What else did yer tink Berry mean, hey? Didn't my words 'spress demselves cl'ar? Yer know, cousin, dat I'se not one ob de fightin' kine. Nebber hed but one fight in my life, an' den dar wuz jes de wuss whipped nigger you ebber seed.

"Cunnel Newton tole me I was ter do 'zackly what Miss Nancy oddered, 'kase he willed meh ter her fo' he died, an' I'se her serbent now same as I wore his body serbent." "Confound your stupidity," growled Doctor Boyd. At that moment a sound from the basement reached his quick ear. Signing to Sam to remain where he was, Boyd tiptoed out into the hall and over to the back stairs.

Lor! thunder wouldn't sturve him, the way he is in." "Then tell me, how was it? When was he stricken?" "We don't know, marse. He was found jes' dis way by John dis mornin' not jes zackly dis way, howaseber, case he was a-layin' on his lef side, w'ich was berry bad; so me an' John turn him ober jes so like he is a-layin' now.

He was such a perfect bit of old plantation life and so obviously out of place in a Tenderloin club room. "Well, uncle, are you looking for a place to stay?" pursued Turner. "Not 'zackly, honey; not 'zackly. I come up hyeah a-lookin' fu' a son o' mine dat been away f'om home nigh on to five years.

He was a Confederate soldier in his day, and if there is one thing above another that he loves to talk about, it's the 'Gov'ment, as he calls it. 'Uncle Sammy an' me ain't jest zackly the best o' pards yit, by crackey, he says, with a twinkle in his eye." "That certainly is a great view," explained Ham. "I'm going to unload my cargo and rest here a bit, for I like this spot.

She dwelt ever so lightly upon the verb, and Uncle Jake caught it. "No, Miss Sally," he explained, "dat ain' 'zackly what I mean. Hit's like dis I just am boun' foh to hyah all de folks shout glory when ma Honey-bird comes home!" "What if she ain't in front, Uncle Jake?" said Blister, helping the old man into the motor. "Don't you trifle with me, boy!" replied Uncle Jake severely.

Patsy scratched his head with the "ten-toothed comb of Nature," a habit which prevailed with terrible and suggestive frequency when I first came "into my kingdom," and answered: "Lookin' up a girl! Why, I s'posed yer knew that. I dunno 'zackly. Jim says all the fellers does. He says he hates to git the feed an' wash the dishes orfly, 'nd girls likes ter do it best of anything."

Dey all had diffe'nt ways o' thinkin' 'bout it. Mos'ly though dey was jus' lak me, dey didn' know jus' zackly what it meant. It was jus' somp'n dat de white folks an' slaves all de time talk 'bout. Dat's all. Folks dat ain' never been free don' rightly know de feel of bein' free. Dey don' know de meanin' of it.

Hows'ever, when I come'd near the bottom of the Dust-heap as I had to pass, the great dark heap was so 'zackly the same as the night, you couldn't tell one from t'other.