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"No," replied Fatty Matthews with calm decision. "It ain't possible. Well, I'm due back in my bear cage. Y'ought to look in on me, O'Brien, and see the mountain-lion dyin' and the grizzly lookin' on." "Will it last long?" queried O'Brien. "Somewhere's about this evening." Here Daniels started violently and closed his hand hard around his whiskey glass which he had not yet raised towards his lips.

The Misses Beamish went into fits of laughter, and Tilly hit Purdy over the back with her parasol. But the string of letters had puzzled them, roused their curiosity. "What'n earth do they mean? Gracious! So clever! It makes me feel quite queer." "Y'ought to 'ave told us before 'and, Purd, so's we could 'ave studied up." However, a walk to a cave was under discussion, and Purdy urged them on.

"They are juz' arround in Bourbon Street, those Chapdelaines," said the De l'Isles to Chester, last to go. "Y'ought to see their li'l' flower-garden. Like those two aunt' that maintain it, 'tis unique. Y'ought to see that and them." "I have mademoiselle's permission," he replied. "Ah, well, then! ha, ha!"

"That's the third one since morning; it is it is, for a fact and you got your stove going." He began to tell about the picnic, talking very loud and fast, gesturing furiously, very excited over trivial details. Marcus could not talk without getting excited. "You ought t'have seen, y'ought t'have seen. I tell you, it was outa sight. It was; it was, for a fact."

He seemed almost unduly irritated. "He's tired of the commission business, that's all. Y'ought to have heard the fellows in the office. Anyhow, they want to sub-let the house, and I'm going to take Sara Lee there to-night." His sister looked at him, and there was in her face something of the expression of the women that day as they packed the barrel.

Yes, sir, I cert'nly swore at him good, but it no more jarred him than but when their seine-boat came by, half of 'em smokin', some half-breed among 'em has to sing out, 'Y'ought to hang up a riding light if your vessel's hove-to, he says. What do you think of that, Tommie 'if your vessel's hove-to! and if the Johnnie was going one she was going ten knots an hour."

As he spoke, a swinging box on the ear nearly knocked the young reprobate down. "D'yo' think God gave you a dad for you to jeer at? Y'ought to be ashamed o' yo'self. Serve yo' right if he does thrash yo' when yo' get home." And David, turning round, found James Moore close behind him, his heavy eyebrows lowering over his eyes.

"Y'ought to get out printed instructions for 'em before you turn 'em loose!" he snapped. Carruthers' face was red with mortification. There was a grin, expanded, on the faces of the others. "Stand away from that bed!" roared Clayton at Jimmie Dale. "And if you go near it again, I'll throw you out of here bodily!"

Trina was in the swing there that's my cousin Trina, you know who I mean and she fell out. By damn! I thought she'd killed herself; struck her face on a rock and knocked out a front tooth. It's a wonder she didn't kill herself. It IS a wonder; it is, for a fact. Ain't it, now? Huh? Ain't it? Y'ought t'have seen." McTeague had a vague idea that Marcus Schouler was stuck on his cousin Trina.

Y'ought to see me fly to'a'ds you, sweet lady!" The maiden laughed. "Law! Mr. Leggett, what a shoo-fly that mus' 'a' been! Was de conducto' ayfteh you?" Mr. Leggett smiled undaunted. "My mos' num'ous thanks to yo' serenity, but I enjoys fum my frien' President Gamble the propriety of a free paass ove' his road." "Oh? does you indeed! Is dat so! Why you makes me proud o' myse'ff.