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"Dot vould be a real funny picture, alretty yet!" he went on in his favorite character of a Dutch comedian. "Preak your neck, Mr. Sneed, und let Russ make der picture." "Ha! I think I see myself!" exclaimed the "grouch," as he looked for a seaweed-cushioned rock whereon to sit. "There's been a lot of trouble today, but, mark my words, there'll be more before we have finished.

The boarding-house keeper instinctively sank his voice, as everyone did who talked about that terrible society. "The Scowrers," said he, "are the Eminent Order of Freemen!" The young man stared. "Why, I am a member of that order myself." "You! I vould never have had you in my house if I had known it not if you vere to pay me a hundred dollar a week." "What's wrong with the order?

"Id was brober dadt he should veel so," remarked the German; "if some Yerman shentle-mans vas to come here und zee me dresd like vom dirty sailor mans, den I too vould get me home to mein house und say nodings." "My friends," said Mr.

"Bot," he continued, "it vould be worth vile to try. Possiblement de bu'stin' of de gun in his troat might do ver vell. It vould give him con con vat you call him? De ting vat leetil chile have?" "Contrariness," said Victor. "Contradictiousness," suggested Ian; "they're both good long words, after your own heart." "Non, non! Con convulsions, dat is it. Anyhow it vould injure his digestiveness."

"De whole damn vorld! Billy, I like dat feller Carpenter! I never met a feller like him before. You tink he vould let me go to see him in de jail?" "I'm sure he'd be glad to see you," I said; "if the jailers didn't object." "Sure, I fix de jailers all right!" "But T-S," I added, "I don't believe he'll sign any contract." "Contract nuttin'," said T-S. "I shoost vant to see him, Billy.

"First supper then open your Trojan horse," said Kelso. "First I must show my goods," Eli insisted, "ant I'll bet you take dem all everyt'ing vat I have in dot pack an' you pay my price an' you t'ank me say 'Eli, vat you have to drink?" "I'll bet you four bits I don't," said Kelso. "You are my frient; I vould not take your money like dot so easy. No! It vould not be right.

Well, I might perhaps get leave of him to look after you both as before. Be easy. I will just let him say anything that comes into his head. I will bear it all for love of you, an angel as you are." "No, I am ein boor man, dot lof his friend and vould gif his life to save him " "But the money?" broke in La Cibot.

And with the loss of his encouraging company a greater uneasiness fell upon the party. Meanwhile, in a vast cavern of darkness, lit only by the solitary candle, the Baron and his host endeavored to maintain the sceptical buoyancy with which they had set forth upon their adventure. "I wish ze piper vould play," whispered the Baron. "Mebbe he'll begin nearer the time," his companion suggested.

Weller, 'that the rail is unconstitootional and an inwaser o' priwileges, and I should wery much like to know what that 'ere old Carter as once stood up for our liberties and wun 'em too, I should like to know wot he vould say, if he wos alive now, to Englishmen being locked up vith widders, or with anybody again their wills.

Hims look at de sauvage dat hold him as if him be a lion. I do tink Monsieur Bertram vould fight vell if hims obleeged. "After good deal of consultoration an' disputerin', dey vas about for go avay; so I sit ver' still, but I move my foot von leetle morsil, an' von small leaf fall to de ground. It vas ver' small leaf, but Hawksving him see it. Ah! he be von cliver Injun. Ver' sharp in sight too!