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Dey comes here and asks for charity and credit, shust as if a man vas made of monish. Gootness gracious! I don't pelieve dat te peoples who comes here every tay is as pad off as tey vish to appear." "You are mistaken, sir," Mrs. Wentworth replied, "if you think I have come here without being actually in want of the food, I ask you to let me have on credit.

The Professor leaned forward and, fixing me with his eye, spoke in a hoarse whisper, tense with excitement: "Mees Veenship, I am a biologist; you are a voman, creature of Nature, yearning for perfection after your kind. I I can gife it you. You can trust me; I am ready. I can gif you your vish, t'e vish of efery normal voman. Science t'at is I can make you t'e most beautiful being in t'e vorld!"

'I vish you could muffle that 'ere Stiggins, and take him vith you, said Mr. Weller. 'I am ashamed on you! said Sam reproachfully; 'what do you let him show his red nose in the Markis o' Granby at all, for? Mr. Weller the elder fixed on his son an earnest look, and replied, ''Cause I'm a married man, Samivel,'cause I'm a married man.

Orde did not remember having said so, but he nodded. "Vell, if you gif us a bond secured with stock in the new company, that would be satisfactory to us." Orde's face cleared. "Do you mean that, Mr. Heinzman?" "Sure. Ve must haf some security, but ve do not vish to be too hard on you boys." "Now, I call that a mighty good way out!" cried Orde.

"I like the looks of that little fellow," said another, pointing to Bob Frog, "and should like to have him." "Does you, my tulip?" said Bobby, whose natural tendency to insolence had not yet been subdued; "an' don't you vish you may get 'im!" It is but justice to Bobby, however, to add, that this remark was made entirely to himself.

"That's true, Henri; but sich as it is it's all ye'll git." "I vish," remarked Henri after a pause "I vish I could git de vampum belt de leetle chief had on. It vas superb. Fat place do vampums come from?" "They're shells " "Oui," interrupted Henri; "I know fat dey is. Dey is shells, and de Injuns tink dem goot monish, mais I ask you fat place de come from."

"Zat is not true about my dogs," he replied, "but I do confess my life is vary dignified. So moch is expected of a Blitzenberg. Oh, ja, zere is moch state and ceremony." "And you seem to thrive on it." "Vell, it does not destroy ze appetite," the Baron admitted; "and it is my duty so to live at Fogelschloss, and I alvays vish to do my duty. But, ach, sometimes I do vant to kick ze trace!"

"That's just about right," assented Ri. "I vould perhaps vish to marry her." "Perhaps!" exclaimed the two together. Again the Count adroitly interposed "You mean that you do not intend to thrust your attentions upon an unwilling lady?" "Yes, yes; zat is vat I mean." "I see," said Mr. Maddison slowly. "H'm, yes." "Sounds what you Scotch call 'canny," commented Ri shrewdly.

Und eider ways you go down in his estimation. You make those men at Malheur Agency behave themselves und I r-raise you. Only I do vish, I do certainly vish you had some beard on that yoong chin." The boy glanced at his pistol. "No, no, no, my son," said the sharp old German. "I don't want gunpowder in dis affair. You must act kviet und decisif und keep your liddle shirt on.

I been lookin' ev'ywhere for Mr. Gray to tell him. At last I hear him speak out here, I come to find. Then I overhear I cannot help it. I try vat you say interrupt it vas my vish. Beliefe me, please. But somet'ing hold me here." He put his hand to his throat. "I could not. I ver' sorry. But as it is so I haf heard I haf also some few words to speak.