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Ebenezer was so busy, flying 'round like a pullet with its head off, that he'd hardly spoke to us sence we landed, but Phil scarcely ever left us, so we wa'n't lonesome. Pretty soon he comes back from a beat into the next room, and he says: "There's a lady here that's just dying to know you gentlemen. Her name's Granby. Tell her all about the Cape; she'll like it.

Then a pause, as the bonnet and dress neared the top of the Square. "Supposing she turns round and sees us?" Constance suggested. "I don't care if she does," said Sophia, with a haughtiness almost impassioned; and her head trembled slightly. There were, as usual, several loafers at the top of the Square, in the corner between the bank and the "Marquis of Granby."

"Oh! but it is a hundred times pleasanter to read the paragraph one's self: one loses all the pleasure of the surprise by being told. Well! whose was the other marriage?" "Oh! my dear, I will not tell you I will leave you the pleasure of the surprise." "But you see I cannot guess it. How provoking you are, my dear! Do pray tell it me." "Our friend Mr. Granby." "Mr. Granby! Dear!

'I vish you could muffle that 'ere Stiggins, and take him vith you, said Mr. Weller. 'I am ashamed on you! said Sam reproachfully; 'what do you let him show his red nose in the Markis o' Granby at all, for? Mr. Weller the elder fixed on his son an earnest look, and replied, ''Cause I'm a married man, Samivel,'cause I'm a married man.

The clock struck five! and echoing from the Granby hills the engine- whistle came. Then a slight tremor ran through her frame, and Mrs. Peters whispered joyfully, "There's life there's hope." Along the highway the returning traveler came with rapid tread, but 'neath the sycamore no Rosamond was waiting. "She is hiding from me," he said, but his search for her was vain, and he rapidly hastened on.

Bolingbroke," cried the lady, eagerly comparing them. "Well, my dear," said he, laughing, "we will not dispute about straws." "No, indeed," said she; "but I observe whenever you know you are in the wrong, Mr. Bolingbroke, you say, we will not dispute, my dear: now pray look at these straws, Mrs. Granby, you that have eyes which is the finest?"

Amoneburg they had battered to pieces, Wall and Schloss, so that the 500 had to ground arms: but not an inch of way had they made upon the Bridge, nor were like to make. Granby continued on the old plan, plying all his diligences and artilleries; needing them all.

When a servant appeared, I said, "Show this man the door." Granby turned white and, after a long look into my face, said in a broken voice to Roebuck: "For God's sake, don't go back on me, Mr. Roebuck. Do what you can for me." As the curtain dropped behind him, I looked expectantly at Roebuck, sweating with fright for his imperiled millions.

The Marquis of Granby, Lord George's second in command, had already begun to move forward with the Blues, and behind were the Scots Greys and other famous regiments, thirsting to be at the throats of the French. But Lord George Sackville's peremptory orders brought them to a grudging and reluctant halt.

I waited until Granby said sharply, "Then it is settled?" "Yes," said I, keeping all emotion out of my face and voice. "It is settled. Ex-Governor Burbank is to be nominated. I am at a loss to account for this outbreak. However, I shall at once take measures to prevent its occurring again. Good day." And I was gone straight to the train. I did not pause at Fredonia but went on to the capital.