United States or Antigua and Barbuda ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"No matther for that," said the stranger; "but if you'd like for to know, shure it's your own cousin Molly Mullins knows me well, and maybe I don't know you and yours as well as the mother that bore you, aye, in throth; and sure I know the very thoughts o' you as well as if I was inside o' you, Barny O'Reirdon." "By my sowl thin, you know betther thoughts than your own, Mr.

"Why, he'd be puttin' me behind the counter, and you know I'd be too handsome for that; sure, there's Thogue Nugent that got the handsome wife from Dublin, and of a fair, or market-day, for one that goes in to buy anything, there goes ten in to look at her. Throth, I think he ought to put her in the windy at once, just to save trouble, and give the people room."

"Bekaise the divil a taste o' fear or terror ever was in your constitution. When Art, boys, was at school sure he an' I wor schoolfellows if he tuck a thing into his head, no matter what, jist out of a whim, he'd do it, if the divil was at the back door, or the whole world goin' to stop him." "Throth, Toal, I must say there's a great deal o' thruth in that.

Hickman again, sir, an' bad luck to Beg pardon, sir, I forgot. Throth, sir, when I mentioned the duty work an' the new aveny, they whistled at you." "Whistled at me!" "Yes, sir; an' said that Mr. Hickman tould them to give you neither duty fowl nor duty work, but to do their own business, and let you do yours. Ay, and 'twas the same from all the rest."

Don't refuse to go, Art; sure for my sake you won't?" "I will go, then," he replied; "I'll go for your sake, but I'll miss you all." "An' we'll miss you, ahagur. God bless you, Art dear, it's jist like you. Ay, will we in throth miss you; but, then, think what a brave fine thing it'll be for you to have a grip of a dacent independent trade, that'll keep your feet out o' the dirt while you live."

"Gutsho, alanna? thurm pogue? come here, child, and kiss me," said Owen to his little namesake; "an' sure I can't forget the little woman here; gutsho, a colleen, and kiss: me too." Owen took her on his knee, and kissed her twice. "Och, but poor Kathleen," said he, "will be the proud woman of this, when she hears it; in throth she will be that." "Arrah! what's comin' over me!" said Mrs. Farrell.

Throth an' I'm cur'ous to see did they ever swell out agin, afther the parchin' they got. But for a slightly peculiar taste in the sweet, the dumpling was unimpeachable. 'I suppose Mrs. Jackey uses maple sugar in her confectionery, said Robert; 'a soupçon of trees runs through it.

Mendicant, with a shrug, which sets all his coats and bags in motion "Och! och! The Big House, inagh! Musha, do you want me an' the childhre here, to be torn to pieces wid the dogs? or lashed wid a whip by one o' the sarvints? No, no, avourneen!" Poor Tenant. "Then, indeed, we haven't it to help you, now, poor man. We're buyin' ourselves." Mendicant. "Thin, throth, that's lucky, so it is!

What's wrong? and what did you start for?" "Nothin'," replied Flanagan, coolly, "but a stitch in my side. I'm subject to that it pains me very much while it lasts, and laves me face, as you say, the color of dimity; but about Connor, upon my throth, I'm main proud to hear it; she's a purty girl, an' besides he'll have a fortune that'll make a man of him. I am, in throth, heart proud to hear it.

"Sir gintleman miss, over the way there for throth, for all so close as you're veiled, you haven't a married look but as I was sayin', we fell in love wid one another by mistake for there was an ould matchmaker, by name Biddlety Girtha, a daughter of ould Jemmy Trailcudgel's God be good to him father of the present strugglin' poor man of that name and as I had hard of a celebrated beauty that lived about twelve or fifteen miles down the country that I wished to coort and she, on the other hand, having hard of a very fine, handsome young fellow in my own neighborhood what does the ould thief do but brings us together, in the fair of Baltihorum, and palms her off on me as the celebrated beauty, and palms myself on her as the fine, handsome young fellow from the parish of Ballytrain, and, as I said, so we fell in love wid one another by mistake, and didn't discover the imposthure that the ould vagabond had put on us until afther the marriage.