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The cowboys' nickname for Moore was Pug, and another fellow whose real name Pan never heard was called Slats. They taught Pan all the cowboy songs from "Ti yi oop oop ya ya" to "Bury me on the Lone Prairie." Every night Pan listened to them sing by the fire in their bunkhouse, and many times he had to be called to do his chores. Another of the cowboys was called Hookey.

It was not until he had made out his accounts and handed in his money that Ti Hung informed him of his agreement with Yung Chang. "'Oh, most treacherous and excessively unpopular Ti Hung, exclaimed Li Ting, in a terrible voice, 'this is the return you make for all my entrancing efforts in your services, then?

The commandments of T'ien are hard to obey; He is compassionate, to be feared, unjust, and cruel. Shang Ti lives in heaven, walks, leaves tracks on the ground, enjoys the sweet savour of sacrifice, approves or disapproves of conduct, deals with rewards and punishments in a more particular way, and comes more actually into touch with the human race.

"The Chinese burn them to propitiate evil spirits," murmured Furneaux. "The Taou gods are mostly deities of a very unpleasant frame of mind. The mere scowl of one of them from a painted fan suggests novel and painful forms of torture. I've seen Shang Ti grinning at me from a porcelain vase, otherwise exquisite, and felt my hair rising."

Yes, many years have passed over, and these scenes are still as fresh in my memory as though they had been of yesterday. In my memory, I say, as for thee "Qui sa si te Ti sovrerai di me." At the end of three weeks the house became full of company, from the garret to the cellar.

The very words form a music, and that music is Metastasio's, "Placido zeffiretto, Se trovi il caro oggetto, Digli che sei sospiro Ma non gli dir di chi, Limpido ruscelletto, Se mai t'incontri in lei, Digli che pianto sei, Ma non le dir qual' eiglio Crescer ti fe cosi." "And now, Emily! for my parting tribute if I remember right, it was sorrowful enough."

Now you say them slowly and we'll repeat.... Why, man alive, you ought to be proud of your linguistic accomplishments!... Well, I'll begin, and we'll fire by platoons. "Non ti scordar di me? "Attention! Company A!" "Non ti scordar di me? Non ti scordar di me?" "Very good! We'll get the meaning after we learn the words. Company B!" "Non ti scordar di me?" "Well roared, Bottom! Company C!"

When the crowd drew up opposite the Ti, I set myself to watch their proceedings most attentively; but scarcely had they halted when my servitor, who had left my side for an instant, touched my arm and proposed our returning to Marheyo's house. To this I objected; but, to my surprise, Kory-Kory reiterated his request, and with an unusual vehemence of manner.

Savonarola inscribed this octave stanza on the wall of the Consiglio Grande: 'Se questo popolar consiglio e certo Governo, popol, de la tua cittate Conservi, che da Dio t'e stato offerto, In pace starai sempre e libertate: Tien dunque l'occhio della mente aperto, Chè molte insidie ognor ti fien parate; E sappi che chi vuol far parlamento Vuol tórti dalle mani il reggimento.

'How is it that you can sing that hymn? Are you sure you can? The man smiled, and in a low voice began: Lao-lu kun-fa fu chung tan ti Hsin li chiao ku-nan Yu i wei k'ai en-tien ch'ing ni Te p'ing-an. As he went on Nelly opened her eyes and mouth wider and wider, so surprised was she. 'Why, she exclaimed, when he stopped, 'I don't know it in Chinese, and she was too puzzled to say more.