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We want to go!" "Ti ope I ow!" howled Ching, beginning again. "Yes, we want to go," I said anxiously. "Ti ope I ow!" he howled again, but as he gave forth his peculiar sounds he suddenly struck purposely a false, jarring note, lowered the instrument, seized one of the pegs as if in a passion, and began talking to me in a low, earnest voice, to the accompaniment of the string he tuned.

Nevertheless, Chinese influence became stronger in the south-west. In spite of his long rule, Wu Ti did not leave an adult heir, as the crown prince was executed, with many other persons, shortly before Wu Ti's death. The crown prince had been implicated in an alleged attempt by a large group of people to remove the emperor by various sorts of magic.

But among those of a remoter date, L. Papirius of Fregellae in Latium, who was almost cotemporary with Ti. Gracchus, was universally esteemed the most eloquent: we have a speech of his in vindication of the Fregellani, and the Latin Colonies, which was delivered before the Senate." "And what then is the merit," said Brutus, "which you mean to ascribe to these provincial Orators?"

About a week after my discovery of the contents of the mysterious packages, I happened to be at the Ti, when another war-alarm was sounded, and the natives, rushing to their arms, sallied out to resist a second incursion of the Happar invaders.

Mehevi sought to enlighten my ignorance, but he failed as signally as when he had endeavoured to initiate me into the perplexing arcana of the taboo. On leaving the Ti, Kory-Kory, who had as a matter of course accompanied me, observing that my curiosity remained unabated, resolved to make everything plain and satisfactory.

All I ever saw, besides the articles just alluded to, were the six muskets preserved in the Ti, and three or four similar implements of warfare hung up in other houses; some small canvas bags, partly filled with bullets and powder, and half a dozen old hatchet-heads, with the edges blunted and battered to such a degree as to render them utterly useless.

He proceeded: "To the south of the capital is the temple San-i Ko. I will change its name to Hsiang Shan Wu Yüeh Shên, 'Fragrant Hill of the Five Mountain Spirits. On the twenty-eighth day of the ninth moon betake yourselves to that temple to receive the seals of your canonization." He conferred upon them the title of Ti, 'Emperor. The Ministry of Medicine

"By exerting his mental powers to the full, man comes to understand his own nature. When he understands his own nature, he understands God." In all the above instances the term used for God is T'ien. Only in one single passage does Mencius use Shang Ti: "Though a man be wicked, if he duly prepares himself by fasting and abstinence and purification by water, he may sacrifice to God." Ch'u Yuan.

When these died, their other selves continued to exist and to hold the same rank in the spirit world as they did in this one. And Shang Ti, the Emperor on High, was worshipped by ti, the emperor here below, in order to pacify or please him to ensure a continuance of his benevolence on his behalf in the world of spirits.

I now perceived, with no small degree of apprehension, the same savage expression in the countenances of the natives which had startled me during the scene at the Ti.