United States or Antigua and Barbuda ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

It would be so pleasant to be there it is such a lovely spot, and the distant murmur of the sea seems like a lullaby to sing the weary one to rest." She added, dreamily, "I would like to lie down there now." "Why, what you talkin' 'bout, Miss Elsie? My chile musn't say such tings!" exclaimed Chloe in great alarm. "Your ole mammy 'spects to die long 'nough 'fore you do. You's berry young, an?

"On de Illinois shore, sah? Le's see; thar's Rassuer Creek, 'bout twenty mile up. 'Tain't so awful big et the mouth, but I reckon we mought pole up fer 'nough ter git outer sight. Ah spects you all knows whut yer a headin' fer?" "To a certain extent yes; but we had to decide on this action very quickly, with no chance to plan it out. I am aiming at the mouth of the Illinois."

"Come, Leslie, it's your turn; and bein' you're so much interested, I 'spects to hear somethin' awful grand." Leslie, to save his life, could not prevent a blush at this allusion. As might be expected, he had thought of more than one plan, long before asked for it, and replied without hesitation: "What I say is, rescue her at all events, as George has said.

"That's brazen impidence," said Phoebe, "and jes' like her. But look here, Mike, don't you quarrel with the cook. No matter what happens, don't you quarrel with the cook." "I ain't goin' to quarrel with nobody," said Mike; "but if that Molly 'spects me to grease her wagon wheels for her, she's got hold of the wrong man.

Why, my black doesn't come off! I spects maybe I's white inside, but de black on de outside don't come off! Ha! Ha! Ha!" "Really, doesn't it? Won't you smut me all up?" asked the China Cat. "No, I won't! Hones' to goodness I won't!" promised the Topsy Doll. "Some folks do say I's terrible mischievous but I can't help it. I growed up dat way, I reckon!"

"She's just a real, live woman, sah?" he managed to ejaculate, half in doubt. "She sure ain't no ghost, sah?" "By no means, Sam; she is just as real as either you or I. Now listen, boy you know what will happen to you after this, if Donaldson ever gets hold of you?" "I 'spects Ah does, sah. He'd just nat'larly skin dis nigger alive, Ah reckon."

"There, my poor hunted hare, you sit down there an' warm yourself good, while I go an' wake up my ole 'oman, an' fetch her here to get something hot for you, afore takin' of you to de cabin, an' likewise to make a fire dere for you; for I 'spects Dinah hab let it go out," said the kind-hearted old man, gently depositing his charge upon a seat in the chimney corner and leaving her there while he went to prepare for her comfort.

A moment later she said: "I didn't mean to interrupt you, little boy; go on." "An' he rides with just the loveliest lady that ever was. HE thinks so, an' I KNOW she is. An' he 'spects her." "What?" exclaimed the old lady. " 'Spects her, I say that's what HE says. I say 'spects means just what I call LOVE. Cos if it don't, what makes him give her hugs and kisses?" Mrs.

"We don't know; our young massa got to frettin', an' ole massa gib us to him and some money, an' tole him to go. We lef' three bigger chillun behin'; never 'spects to see 'em ag'in; I wish he'd buy a plantation somewhar, so we could go to work; 'pears like thar's no comfort for us poor people, only when we's got work, an' stops studyin' so much."

"I 'spects," said Diana, looking very solemnly into her face, "that you and me, we has both got the same enemies." "The same enemies! My dear child, what do you mean?" asked Miss Ramsay. "I 'spects I's wight," said Diana, tossing her black head. "I's not often wrong. I wead your thoughts I think that you has a desp'ate hate, down deep in your heart, to Aunt Jane."